• @Droggelbecher@lemmy.world
    93 months ago

    Thank you :) To add: the worst part of our healthcare system is that there’s a private branch too. I think municipalities try to make sure that there’s always insurance covered doctors available, but with certain specialties, there just aren’t enough around. It’s just more profitable for the doctors to be private. For example, I’ve given up on finding a gyno that’s insurance-covered. I just pay the 150€ for a full check-up once a year. I’m glad the price is manageable at least!

    • @corsicanguppy@lemmy.ca
      63 months ago

      the worst part of our healthcare system is that there’s a private branch too

      That’s what we call “a slippery slope greased with filthy lucre to the bottom of a chasm where America is.”

      • @Droggelbecher@lemmy.world
        23 months ago

        God I hope not. I think it’s more of a compromise that either side is unhappy with, lol. Feels like a stalemate that won’t change any time soon, as it’s been like this for a long time. I do feel like they’re coming for our free (well, 20€ a semester) college, though :(