Democrats have, again, learned nothing

    483 months ago

    The reason Pelosi’s doing this is because she’s scared shitless of the future but can’t come to terms with her part in this mess. If you listen to her speak candidly about Trump (the NYT interview is a great example) you can tell she legitimately fears for her life after what happened to her husband. As a result, she actually believes that the only way to save the country is to move right. She’s wrong of course and the data bears that out but there’s a large contingent of the Democratic base that agrees and she doesn’t have to look far for a permission structure.

      83 months ago

      That’s because they’ve been manufacturing consent since Clinton. The incessant need to be bipartisan without it being returned means Democrats are justifying further right policies every cycle, just to say they worked across the aisle. The people that want the Dems to move further right are Republicans who left because of the Tea Party. And MSNBC/CNN are all over it too.