Things didn’t end well for the last guy…

      303 months ago

      If you don’t want to have an abortion, no one’s ever been forcing you.

      Why you think it’s appropriate to force others is weird.

          103 months ago

          Nah, you don’t really believe that.

          You already know that in an abortion, no one is typically killing the fetus (which btw is less of a human than a chicken egg is human), they’re just removing it from the body it’s parasiting off of. Not the mother’s fault it can’t survive, and I’m pretty sure you’re for curing cancer or tape worm which also contain more human dna than a fetus does.

          Besides, in many cases the fetus is already dead or terminal anyway.

          And even if this was codified under law as murder, it wouldn’t be the mother doing it, but a licensed professional, much like police, soldiers or wardens.

          Thats’s a lot of mental gymnastics to insert yourself into someone’s health care and sex life. That’s kind of weird…

          • guldukat
            33 months ago

            Republicans have spread this myth that women use abortion like birth control. Just like the myth of the black welfare Queen, spitting out kids just to draw a check. It’s all bullshit and they know it, they just hate poor people.

            23 months ago

            tape worm which also contain more human dna than a fetus does.

            Not that im disagreeing with your overall argument, but a fetus has 100% human dna… otherwise it wouldnt develop into a human lol

              13 months ago

              A fetus does indeed have 100% human DNA, but a tape worm has about 70% human DNA.

              An 8 week fetus is about 20 g, an 8 week tape worm can become up to 30 ft, weighing several pounds. 70 % of a pound is more than 20 g.

              And with the new slave mother laws, the fetus isn’t more than a handful of grams at the cut off date, making it all the more poignant.

          153 months ago

          Okay, I don’t agree with the emotional concept that a fetus is a person innately, but I can at least understand where that type of thinking comes from. Claiming it’s a fully-developed human is just demonstrably wrong. You’re entitled to your opinion, but feelings aren’t facts. I sincerely hope this is a sad attempt at trolling.

              103 months ago

              Claims science, states no actual science, strawmans up an example that isn’t related to the original in any way. claims gaslighting with no actual reference to gaslighting behavior.

              No slurs or personal attacks, but i feel like you’re going for the subtle approach so you probably don’t need those right now.

              Hmm, so this is up there, i feel like it’s missing something though, can’t quite place what, but i’ll keep an eye on the replies in case i spot it.

              Anyway, 8/10 shitpost, good job, no notes.

              While i have you, it sounds like you are a person familiar with how science works and will give me an actual answer rather than deflect.

              What is the scientific definition of “parasite”?

              63 months ago

              What is your solution for fetal anomalies that will inevitably lead to stillbirth or death in the first few hours of life? What is your solution for pregnancy abnormalities that put the life of the mother at serious risk? What is your solution for women who are desperately trying to escape monstrously abusive relationships that got pregnant from marital rape or coercion?

                63 months ago


                I feel like you’re expecting a rational discourse with someone who so far has gone with “BaBy MurDerErS” and “YEah,bUt SciEnCe is On My sIDe” ( without actually stating how ).

                They aren’t addressing unwanted pregnancies, medical complication, sexual assault and things outside their carefully crafted headcannon, on purpose.

                You’re gonna get handwaving at best, probably some strawman example, righteous indignation with no explained basis perhaps a personal attack.

                I would not at all be surprised if they were bordering on the belief that victims of sexual assault can just “decide” to not get pregnant.

                That’s the level of critical thinking you’re working with here, i’d manage my expectations if i were you.

                    33 months ago

                    Still shows up for me, though i’m almost certainly blocked by them.

                    On the plus side that allows me to provide solid reviews for the folks at home without having to dive in to meta-reviews of responses to me.

                  43 months ago

                  I unfortunately attend a religious university for medical school (not by choice, mind you), so I am quite familiar with the mindset displayed here from people with substantially better education.

                  73 months ago

                  Screening means termination of non viable fetuses or carrying to stillbirth. Gene therapy is only available for one disease in humans and it isn’t a fetal anomaly. There are malformations that are not compatible with life that are random chance and not something you can predict through genetic analysis.

                  In America, the leading cause of death of pregnant women is intimate partner homicide. The 2 most lethal times in an abusive relationship are when the victim is trying to leave or the victim is pregnant.

                  Many women are pressured or coerced into unprotected sex by male partners and most courts wouldn’t prosecute those cases as rape because the woman eventually “consented” under browbeating and duress.

                  The majority of abortions are sought by women who already have children and are not able to afford or to care for another child and the pregnancy was unplanned. Many other abortions are for serious health problems with the mother or the fetus. Functionally no one is getting abortions as birth control or “recreationally”. It is an unpleasant procedure and women who go through with it do so for important, valid reasons, and your beliefs have no place getting between a woman and the physician caring for her.

                  3 months ago

                  So damn, this is some premium quality posting right here…let’s see…what do we have?

                  • So we have a response that sounds like it should answer a question posed, but actually doesn’t.
                  • A concession that baby-muder is in fact ok as long as it fits the criteria that you seem to have decided on, then some sneaky goalpoast moving.
                  • “women should be required to carry rapists embryo’s to term because there’s therapy for that”…i mean…wow…that’s going in my classics list.
                  • Using “Innocent child” without defining what child means and ignoring all current science on the matter.
                  • Claiming you’re own country has the solution but not stating what it is or where.

                  I’m officially impressed, i knew you had something in the wings and i was rewarded for my faith.

                  9/10 shitpost, instant classic.

              43 months ago

              Do you believe people who are unresponsive and comatose for a long period should be kept alive despite the families wishes?

          103 months ago

          A fetus is objectively not fully formed. What do you think its doing in the womb for all those months, just hanging out? When abortions happen its just a bundle of cells that cant think, breathe, or live on its own.

            • moonlight
              63 months ago

              A coma involves brain activity in a highly developed nervous system, often with a high chance of recovery.

              A fetus has a tiny, undeveloped nervous system, with no higher brain functions.

              These are not at all equivalent. One is a person, and the other is not.

              53 months ago


              Cancer is a bunch of cells. By your logic it is immoral to treat cancer. Cancer has human DNA. Cancer can also live independent of the human that spawned it.

              We should stop killing cancer too.

        • moonlight
          73 months ago

          A tiny cluster of cells is not a “fully developed human”

          63 months ago

          Then how come they can’t survive without leeching off a host? 80% of pregnancies spontaneously end in miscarriage. That doesn’t sound viable or fully developed to me. If it could survive outside the womb, you’d have a point. But it can’t, so you don’t.

          You know who was actually fully-developed? All the women who have died due to pregnancy complications thanks to draconic laws that take away their rights over their own bodies. I’ll hold you responsible for murdering them.

          • ZeroOne
            -163 months ago

            You clearly don’t know biology do you & are you capable of sustaining yourself I you were left in a jungle ? BTW, it’s around 13.5 percent but regardless it’s not 80% (that’s a lie)

            • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. (2020)
            • National Center for Health Statistics. (1999). Trends in Pregnancies and Pregnancy Rates.
            • JAMA Network. (2020)

            I hold you responsible for the billions of deaths of unborn children, because of your stupidity & selfishness & inhumanity

              3 months ago

              You clearly don’t know biology do you

              Says the person claiming a fetus is a fully developed human.

              are you capable of sustaining yourself I you were left in a jungle ?

              Millions of people live in the jungles of the world. How many fetuses live outside wombs? Oh right, none. Because there’s a difference between having the skills to survive in the jungle, and being a fully developed human capable of independent biological survival.

              Have you ensured that every single one of your gametes resulted in a child? Then you’re a genocidal hypocrite.

              3 months ago

              BTW, it’s around 13.5 percent but regardless it’s not 80% (that’s a lie)

              Sure, if you only measure after 6 weeks.

              For women of reproductive age, losses between implantation and clinical recognition are approximately 10–25%. Loss from implantation to birth is approximately one third [39, 46, 48, 49].

              A recent re-analysis [39] of data from three studies [46, 48, 49] concluded that, in normal healthy women, 10–40% is a plausible range for pre-implantation embryo loss and overall pregnancy loss from fertilisation to birth is approximately 40–60%.


          33 months ago

          No. A fully developed human would be post-pubescent. Until then you are either a fetus incapable of living outside your mother’s body, or a baby capable of independent life with some sort of care.

          Fetuses are NOT babies. Stop being obtuse.

    • Flying SquidOP
      153 months ago

      I assume you’ve adopted multiple unwanted children in the foster system including severely disabled ones, right?

      Since you think that “unborn children” shouldn’t be “killed,” you’ve got to be a major part of the solution.

      Tell me about your severely disabled kids you adopted from the foster system.

          183 months ago

          Oh fuck right off with that bullshit. Abortions are a medical procedure. Women have died because they can’t get them. Or should we just let fetuses that die in utero rot inside the womb and kill the poor woman who lost her baby through no fault of her own?

          That’s just one example off the top of my head.

          Nobody wants to or is killing children. That’s some hyperbolic bullshit.

          • Flying SquidOP
            83 months ago

            I just went through about 3 pages of their comment history.

            Therein lies a tale.

        • Flying SquidOP
          3 months ago

          There are no orphanages in the U.S.

          Also, please name the 100% effective contraceptive.

            • Flying SquidOP
              53 months ago

              Fair, but I would suggest that married couples who want more than one child should be allowed to choose to have as much sex as they want until they’re ready to have that next child. Of course, anti-abortion crusaders never think about the fact that it isn’t just those dirty sluts getting abortions. Married people have sex too.

    • 100_kg_90_de_belin
      53 months ago

      Is it too late to abort you? Because you blatantly fail at having a basic grasp on reality.