Things didn’t end well for the last guy…

    253 months ago

    Remember when the goverment was first shut down in a long time, if ever before, when Republicans thought it would be a good ratfucker move to harm Obama’s presidency, and it blew up in their faces, and our Country went from a AAAA rated borrower to a AAA borrower due to government disfunction? We seriously need a law that prevents this stupid shit from happening again. Maybe if they don’t pass funding, we just renew the last passed funding. It pisses me off so much. Imagine getting paid a significant amount of tax payer money, a life long sipend, and better health care than most the county, and not even doing your job and letting the goverment shut down. At some point here the lawlessness is going to convince enough people that it seriously doesn’t matter anymore.

    • slazer2au
      173 months ago

      We seriously need a law that prevents this stupid shit from happening again. Maybe if they don’t pass funding, we just renew the last passed funding

      What we do in Australia is of the government can’t pass a budget we dissolve the government and go for elections.
      Clearly the MP are not doing their jobs so make them run for their jobs again.

        13 months ago

        That works in a parliamentary system, because the state and the government are two different things. In the U.S. system, they are functionally the same thing. We can’t dissolve the government, or we’d have to rebuild the entire state apparatus from the ground up.

      113 months ago

      Why doesn’t the “no new wars!” gang cut military spending by 65-80%? Defense readiness doesn’t cost $800B/ year.

      33 months ago

      Maybe if they don’t pass funding, we just renew the last passed funding.

      This is exactly what happened a few days ago in France. While it’s not perfect, it’s still a whole lot better than a shutdown.