
Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai condemned the Taliban’s treatment of women at a Pakistan summit on girls’ education in Muslim communities, stating, “The Taliban do not see women as human beings.”

She criticized their policies banning Afghan girls from education and work as “gender apartheid” and un-Islamic.

Afghanistan is the only country banning education for girls beyond grade six, affecting 1.5 million girls.

Malala urged Muslim leaders to challenge these practices and advocate for girls’ education globally.

The Taliban declined to attend or comment.

      -12 months ago

      Ah yes, but other ideologies which have been destructive are not? I hope you’ll be consistent in pointing out the secular states of today continue to wreak havoc, death and destruction in the middle east and Africa. (Let’s not forget colonialism)

      And the secular atheist communist states of Russia and China, those didn’t commit ethnic cleansing and killed millions of people?

      I’ll just mention the destruction that the USSR brought to Kazakhstan that lingers to this day as an example.

      -112 months ago

      She criticized their policies banning Afghan girls from education and work as “gender apartheid” and un-Islamic.

      Says right there it is opposite of what the religion teaches?!

      At least wait until there is an article that confirms your bias to spit your poison, dude.

    • NoneOfUrBusiness
      -192 months ago

      Why do you jump to religion and not simply conclude that the Talibans are massive incels? You do realize that out of two billion Muslims only the Taliban are doing this shit right? Malala is calling them un-Islamic for a reason.

      • originalucifer
        262 months ago

        religion is in itself a ridiculous premise, and the type is largely irrelevant (islam/christianity).

        they are a disease that should be eradicated. humanity will never move forward with such archaic ideas.

          32 months ago

          It also specifically should be mentioned how Judaism is a disease. People think Judaism is somehow “better” or “more tolerant”, as a Jewish person myself I can personally confirm that Judaism is just as capable of oppression and violent hatred (just look at Ben Gvir).

          -12 months ago

          Ok will you be consistent and mention the same of other ideologies that have wreaked havoc? By the way you associate things you have to acknowledge the death and destruction brought upon by secular and atheist states from colonialism to modern day imperialism.

          I’ll list some examples of states that caused a lot of death and destruction:

          • USSR a secular atheist state that killed millions and committed ethnic cleansing. (One ex. Is what they did in Kazakhstan)

          • USA and France and their invasion of Vietnam

          • All that was done by secular states in the colonial era

          • all that is being currently by secular states in the neo colonial era

          • US invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan.

          • Russian invasion of Ukraine

          I can keep going.

          • originalucifer
            192 months ago

            all religions were created by con artists. theyre just tools used to control other humans. its nothing more than that.

            islam itself founded by a pedophilic warlord. volume of the indoctrinated is irrelevant. kinda funny how the best predictor of which of these cults any particular human follows is geography.

              • originalucifer
                132 months ago

                o0o0 sick burn. hard to refute reality.

                every holy book has been written by humans with something to gain in their use. christianity responsible for some of the largest swaths of dead humans in the crusades. the bible crafted by carefully selected passages by humans across millennia. even modern bullshit like mormonism and scientology, created by documented con artists. but oh no, yours is the ‘one true’ religion.

                all religions are false Except yours, right? cuz yours is somehow special?

                • NoneOfUrBusiness
                  -52 months ago

                  I mean the other guy seems to not understand that ideas spread geographically so yeah, not a good look.

        2 months ago

        Because their religion literally teaches them to treat women like shit?

        And it’s not only them doing this. They all have shit women’s rights records.

          2 months ago

          Look at Rojava in Kurdistan (you did say “all” Muslims, no taking that back). It’s like saying the Christian religion is the reason the crusades were bad and not because they were violent men with horrible ideas. Innocent people worship innocently. I don’t like jihadists or Islamic nationalists or caliphates either, but I at least don’t attribute that to Muslims entirely, just the stupid ones. Most people don’t understand the difference between those who just want to be Muslim (look at Islamic people in Kurdistan and, yes, even Israel who has many religions living together relatively peacefully to the US) and those who want jihad and intifadas and Islam-directed oppression via the state. That’s because you believed the propaganda.

          There are religious nuts in Islam. They are jihadists. Hamas was the suicide bombers back in the 2000s. The taliban, ISIS, ISIL, Al-queda, the Houthis, Al-Shabaab, etc etc. They are all Islamic nationalists. It’s like seeing an American and assuming they’re transphobic just because MAGA is.

        • NoneOfUrBusiness
          -22 months ago

          They all have shit women’s rights records.

          I’m sure this is a well-researched claim and not something you just made up, but let’s not get into that.

          And it’s not only them doing this.

          Literally no Muslim country in the world is as insane about oppressing women as Taliban Afghanistan. And that includes even the notorious ones like Iran. Nothing in Islamic beliefs or the behavior of Muslim countries resembles the ridiculousness of Taliban policies, and you should learn at least that before you shit on other people’s cultures.

        2 months ago

        It is very clearly not only taliban. Extremist groups are, shocker, more extreme. Muslim religion and culture tends to treat muslim women as second class citizens. The more western the muslim country, the more they treat women like equals. Christians treat lbtq communty like shit and you wouldn’t say americans in 70s were extremist christian nutjobs as it was standard to be homophobic, part of the culture.