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Boethiah posts:
[a screenshot of a comment by BrokenHomesSmal…]
“Just put this bread into the oven for the first time. What on earth does “satin-smooth” mean? I am not a painter or a communist, I cannot work in such flowery terms as this. The fascists at the NSA wouldn’t allow this - I hope when they read this comment they will immediately take down this wishy-washy recipe and replace it with a concrete scientific methodology that is more suited to the delicate and precise nature of baking.” [screenshot ends]
this reads like Disco Elysium dialogue

autismgod replies:
this is like something an NPC says to you at the bakery in the witch alps version of Disco Elysium

    32 months ago

    I feel like failing the Electrochemistry check would result in Harry passionately making the best weed brownies of his life… except he forgot the weed. Kim says something dry and witty to the effect of “getting lost in the sauce”.