So I struggled to delete a free Apple TV+ account for a day now (tried different browsers etc) and decided to search if anyone else has had the same problem. Turns out this issue is at least a year old, is known by apple and the Apple support suggests to find someone else with an Apple device to help you out.

Just wow. This can’t be legal by EU law.

    282 months ago

    I finally cancelled an apple TV account - Lasso was done, silo wasn’t enough and the browser performance was absolute shit - and it took me THREE TRIES over as many days. I’m a 30-year I.T guy raised from the time where we’d “get games with no instructions” and have to figure it out and cope with stupid a lot.

    I failed. Twice. After wasting a lot of time each time.

    It’s entirely circular. God help the poor schmuck who still has a device on an apple ID no longer in possession and needs to navigate all that with apple insisting “Joe in New Hampshire needs to approve your password change from that phone you ebayed 6 years ago and is probably in a landfill now”.

    Have patience. And, win or lose, tell fucking everyone. If anyone tells you “just go buy some iphone and hook it up” you have my permission to borrow their device and smash it in the process by accident.

      122 months ago

      The last time I used my apple ID was to sync my iPod in like 2008 ish. I actually tried to apply for a job at Apple a while back. You need your Apple ID to apply to work there too. I spent a while trying to recover it when eventually, I just decided I guess I don’t need to work there.

      52 months ago

      I have an ancient macbook Air I inherited from work. 4 GB of RAM, no longer viable battery. But damned if It isn’t still good enough to recover an Apple account.

      I don’t have to do it very often but waiting a week for their sit on it to reset it bullshit is old and broke