Chinese product is known for being cheap and their ripoff economy is legendary, but these dolts will cry racism because it makes them feel special (or they are CCP shills from .ml).
Yeah, but we are the sinophobic alarmists…sigh. To be fair, these are the same people that said “but his second term will be fine, we survived the first one”.
Agreed. There is being open-minded and then there is just being completely naive about the political situation when it comes to all things Chinese (I happen to have a very good idea of this from things I’ve found out during my career).
I’ve already downloaded and tried it out, but apparently if you have some reservations about accepting all claims being made without any questions, that’s beyond the pale? LOL, that is one hot take.
Chinese product is known for being cheap and their ripoff economy is legendary, but these dolts will cry racism because it makes them feel special (or they are CCP shills from .ml).
Well, it turns out our suspicions were on the mark…gosh, a Chinese company not being forthright? Who would have guessed.
Yeah, but we are the sinophobic alarmists…sigh. To be fair, these are the same people that said “but his second term will be fine, we survived the first one”.
Agreed. There is being open-minded and then there is just being completely naive about the political situation when it comes to all things Chinese (I happen to have a very good idea of this from things I’ve found out during my career).
I’ve already downloaded and tried it out, but apparently if you have some reservations about accepting all claims being made without any questions, that’s beyond the pale? LOL, that is one hot take.