• @DarkSpectrum@lemmy.world
    112 months ago

    Would disabled people also be considered to be part of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion? Don’t we offer support for autistic and neuro-divergant individuals in the work place?

    The sad thing is, as health in America falls further by the way side, because it hasn’t been good for a long time (see the obesity chart below), than more people will become excluded under this anti-DEI policy. If you have any needs or support requirements then they will be considered a weakness against your ‘merit’.

    Source: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/hestat/obesity-adult-17-18/obesity-adult.htm

    Btw, we only know this because the CDC published it. Hope that doesn’t stop happening 😬

    The actions taken by this government seem to come from philosophies of individualism such as comparing and judging the ‘merit’ of two or more people, or the desire to shut down supportive welfare services creating an ‘each man for himself’ type environment. This reveals the mind of the people behind the policy who clearly prioritise their own individual needs and desires over others, and to justify it, they want everyone else to do the same.

    But being that small minded is not possible for some. Some people cant help but worry about the welfare of the whole planet, everyone on it and future generations.

    A good leader never stops wondering if all the needs of their people are being met. A wide sense and awareness of humanity is needed that extends beyond the bounds of the individual’s genetic or cultural sphere.

    Even Nationalism is no longer viable because we have global issues like climate change. An ‘America first’ attitude is an Earth last attitude. I know geography is hard, bear with me, but Earth is an important ally for national security! 😉

    • @BehindetheClouds@reddthat.com
      2 months ago

      Here here. I have long taken solace in that fact. Any society built around that would fail, human beings don’t work like that. We form communities to take care and better each other.