And this is why Democrats will keep losing.

      372 months ago

      This is how they lose.

      If you had a party actually for the people, you would get a lot of the Trump votes as well. Most of MAGA weren’t about racist bullshit or half of what’s happened since the changeover.

      They are tired of the corporate and government corruption and Trump promised (lied) to do something about that. We need to offer the same hope without all the hate. We need to offer change without just saying the other side is evil. It isn’t the ‘other side’ that is the problem. It’s the corrupt people in positions of power and the ones that tell you to blame the ‘other side’.

      212 months ago

      Who the fuck cares about spoiling a vote between mask off and mask on fascist. The democrats are lost we need real leadership.

        232 months ago

        That they were so ineffective and unable to mount a campaign against an obvious felonious, grifting, lying rapist is all the proof I need that they’re incapable of leading.

          81 month ago

          We need to stop pretending their failures began in the campaign. It’s not just that they failed in a monumental election, it’s that they’ve failed to secure courts, failed to build a counter part to the heritage foundation, failed to jail the politicians that attempted a coup when they had power. They are simply not equip to fight the rise of fascism, the same as the liberals of Germany.

          112 months ago

          Exactly. Getting rid of all the shitty Democrats is a tall order, but the Tea Partiers didn’t do that, they just took as many of them down as possible and scared the rest into obedience.

            12 months ago

            Tea party has a lot of money and nothing else to do but play intrigues for decades.

            You cannot adapt this strategy for the masses of people who still need to feed their families.

              42 months ago

              I don’t see how “having to feed their family” plays into this at all. Tea Partiers didn’t apply mass numbers at their stunts, just kept showing up. Angry Democrats are not so pressed for time that we can’t muster a few hundred to protest and make a spectacle any time a Democratic politician goes back on a promise.

              I also do not find the “money rules everything” fatalism particularly useful. The Democrats keep losing races despite raising more money, and people like AOC still beat entrenched donor-focused politicians.

                2 months ago

                I am not saying not to do something, i am saying to use the right strategies for what you have.

                The Dems dont give a fuck about demonstrations at their places. Neither do the Reps. They give a fuck only about money, or being pressured into doing something.

                So you will have to show up with many people and block their events. You will need to organize general strikes. You will need to be armed and fight back if you are attacked.

                These things you can do with many people. Pulling strings in intrigue games is not something you can do without money and networks. That is why politics have been built to cater to the people who can, rather than the people who rally on the streets.

                  31 month ago

                  What’s the difference between a “demonstration at their places” and “blocking their events”. They’re the same thing. Their event gets canceled and they get negative coverage when a rabble shows up at it. And the politicians care about personally losing. The Tea Party didn’t donate their way to control, they primaried the politicians that weren’t “good” enough. They were ridiculous and loud and made those people look weak and unpopular with the party’s base.

                  I’m in favor of a general strike and more forceful demonstration of people power, but they’re kind of just leftist wishcasting. We have a template for taking over a party and saying “take up revolution” instead feels like focusing on an unreachable magic solution instead of following a path individual people can work to achieve.

                    31 month ago

                    The difference is whether you stand behind the police line, or if you break through the police line.

                    The tea party was ridiculous and loud with having Fox News and other media ready to spread their message and present them as a grass roots movement. If a genuine grass roots movement from the left is just “ridiculous and loud” all the “Liberal” media will jump to defend the politicians and shame the activists.

                    The tea party “movement” was organized from “the top”, with the money from “the top” and support from “the top”. It was done to instill the idea of a legitimate grass roots movement that would also represent the interests of normal people, when its goals were all focused on the interests of rich people. This is why i don’t think it to be a template that can be applied for a left takeover of the Democratic party.

                    And it is much easier for rich elites to maintain power inside a party, than it is for genuine grass roots to take it over from the inside. I believe the power has to be taken from the outside, first by grinding the party to a halt, and then taking it over from the inside, or better yet by having a third party take over its place, with better safeguards against oligarchs in its core structures.


                    In an August 30, 2010, article in The New Yorker, Jane Mayer asserted that the brothers David H. Koch and Charles G. Koch and Koch Industries provided financial support to one of the organizations that became part of the Tea Party movement through Americans for Prosperity.[232][233] The AFP’s “Hot Air Tour” was organized to fight against taxes on carbon use and the activation of a cap and trade program.[

                    U.S. News & World Report reported that the nature of the coverage of the protests has become part of the story.[272] On CNN’s Situation Room, journalist Howard Kurtz commented that “much of the media seems to have chosen sides”. He says that Fox News portrayed the protests “as a big story, CNN as a modest story, and MSNBC as a great story to make fun of. And for most major newspapers, it’s a nonstory”.[272] There were reports that the movement had been actively promoted by the Fox News Channel.[273][274]

                    According to Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, a progressive media watchdog, there is a disparity between large coverage of the Tea Party movement and minimal coverage of larger movements. In 2009, the major Tea Party protests were quoted twice as often as the National Equality March despite a much lower turnout.[275] In 2010, a Tea Party protest was covered 59 times as much as the US Social Forum (177 Tea Party mentions versus 3 for Social Forum) despite the attendance of the latter being 25 times as much (600 Tea Party attendees versus at least 15,000 for Social Forum).[276]

                    In the January/February 2012 issue of Foreign Affairs, Francis Fukuyama stated that the Tea Party is supporting “politicians who serve the interests of precisely those financiers and corporate elites they claim to despise” and inequality while comparing and contrasting it with the occupy movement.

                41 month ago

                Fox News and other Murdoch media, Koch brothers… The people behind it have been working on these things since much longer.