Trump said he believes the Palestinians would be better off moving to neighboring Egypt or Jordan. A spokesman for Hamas called Trump's remarks "a recipe for creating chaos."
Trump won with 1% of the vote.
35% of registered, eligible voters stayed home. If 1% of those that stayed home would have voted we would be in a different world right now.
Protest voters are absolutely to blame for this.
If you actually want to look at the numbers of who stayed home in 2024 after voting in 2020 then those demographics were the older white men/women and hispanic men. Probably because both those groups have a harder time stomaching a woman with the exact same policies
The people protesting the Zionists’ war were college students and under 30s, who voted the exact same they always do.
I really thought everyone would have learned about the electoral college by now, but the important thing is making sure people understand our system moving forward.
Every single nonvoter in Cali could have held their nose and voted D, it wouldn’t have changed the result at all
This election was an existential threat to democracy. Anyone who was able to vote and didn’t vote for Harris, the opposition candidate, is to blame. The Democrats who stayed home because of fucking Gaza even moreso. We Harris voters knew this shit would happen because we pay attention. Anyone who voted for trump to send a message needs to do the same. There was 0 chance a trump presidency would turn out well for the Palestinians in Gaza.
Protest voters did not meaningfully impact the election
Trump won with 1% of the vote.
35% of registered, eligible voters stayed home. If 1% of those that stayed home would have voted we would be in a different world right now.
Protest voters are absolutely to blame for this.
If you actually want to look at the numbers of who stayed home in 2024 after voting in 2020 then those demographics were the older white men/women and hispanic men. Probably because both those groups have a harder time stomaching a woman with the exact same policies
The people protesting the Zionists’ war were college students and under 30s, who voted the exact same they always do.
Its not as simple as you’d like it to be.
I really thought everyone would have learned about the electoral college by now, but the important thing is making sure people understand our system moving forward.
Every single nonvoter in Cali could have held their nose and voted D, it wouldn’t have changed the result at all
Non-voters sure as shit did impact the election.
Cool less than half the voting age population votes in the US.
And it has always been like this
So whining about the people who never vote and will never vote isn’t helpful
This election was an existential threat to democracy. Anyone who was able to vote and didn’t vote for Harris, the opposition candidate, is to blame. The Democrats who stayed home because of fucking Gaza even moreso. We Harris voters knew this shit would happen because we pay attention. Anyone who voted for trump to send a message needs to do the same. There was 0 chance a trump presidency would turn out well for the Palestinians in Gaza.
Keep telling yourself that I’m sure it will make things turn out different next time.
Meanwhile I’ve been waiting for young people to actually vote since I was 18.
Waiting on poor people to vote in their own self interests.
Still waiting.
Meanwhile you’re being tricked by propaganda into hating poor and young people.