Fucking Hell. Like the Nazis burning their Records.

  • @conditional_soup@lemm.ee
    1 month ago

    I keep seeing this kind of comment, and it irks me. There’s nothing actionable here, and it honestly just comes across as defeatist. Oh well, what can we do, turns out a majority/plurality/murder/what the fuck ever of voters prefer Nazis. That’s some greasy fucking energy. We’re here now, regardless of what ought to be, so let’s start talking about how to deal with it.

      • @conditional_soup@lemm.ee
        1 month ago

        Probably the easiest thing ever is to start leaning harder on the democrats to use their considerable political and financial resources to play hardball with Trump. I mean real hardball, litigate fucking everything, show up in person and keep those DOGE fucks out with sticks and bricks if need be, or at least Livestream and name and shame them, put together a rapid response team to counter the blatantly unconstitutional shit, get commitments from military officials that they will defend the constitution; literally anything besides wheeling out Schumer or Bernie to give another speech that everyone will ignore. I love Bernie, but we’re way past speeches.

        Next, start going to protests, start getting involved with trying to push your local government on issues. I am, it’s allowed me to network with other local activists and I’m in a better place to be made aware of local needs and local actions. Also part of this is to check in with your network. I know people that voted Trump 1 and stuck with him all the way through the term that are disgusted with what’s happening now, we have mutual aid plans in place. It’s not much, but it’s a start. This is a good opportunity to plant seeds about mutual aid, protest, general strikes in the future, and organizing.

        If you have money, start opening up legal cases. If you don’t, then start leaning on state politicians about whether they have plans to deal with the fallout. It’s finally worth ruminating on about what finally stopped the Nazis’ progress East. It wasn’t clever signs and chants. Don’t be caught unaware for the worst case scenario.

        Don’t like what I suggest? Use your fucking noggin and think of something better to do and do it. Even if it’s yelling at passing cars. Do anything besides roll over. No peace for Nazis, ever.