Fucking Hell. Like the Nazis burning their Records.

  • Red Army Dog Cooper
    11 month ago

    I am not saying it is not making a choice, it is making a choice, and with all choices it has consiquinces, what I am saying is that it is, by deffinition not the same choice as SUPPORTING trump. you can say the choice caused trump, you can say it enabled him, but deffinitionaly it is not the same as supporting him, as support is an afermitive thing, and the choices of not voting, voting 3rd party, and voting democrat all are not chosing to suport him

      • Red Army Dog Cooper
        21 month ago

        I am sorry to hear your vocabulary has such lack of nuance, it must make having proper indepth conversations hard for you.

        • Yes what we need is more nuance between different types of support for nazis. That would make a great epitaph for democracy in fact: “We didn’t affirmatively choose this.”