
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez denied claims that she is secretly wealthy, stating she is worth less than $500,000 and doesn’t trade stocks or take corporate money.

Her financial disclosures show modest savings and student debt.

Some conservatives on X, despite opposing her politics, praised her perceived integrity.

Accusations of political corruption have surged online, partly fueled by Elon Musk.

    1581 month ago

    I think regardless of whether you are Republican or a Democrat, AOC is probably the closest to what a representative should be. Now whether you agree with her or not is a different discussion entirely, but that’s not the point I’m trying to make. She’s just the only one that actually seems to give a shit about who she represents. Whereas both for Republicans and Democrats the vast majority of our “representation” are crotchety and corrupt old people that don’t give a shit anymore.

      451 month ago

      She’s just the only one that actually seems to give a shit about who she represents. Whereas both for Republicans and Democrats the vast majority of our “representation”

      While I agree with almost everything you said, there’s really no good reason to make a statement like that and leave Bernie in with the “vast majority” group. 🙂

      The man has walked the walk for a very long time. (Yes he’s too old to run for office now, but he deserves his due!)

        321 month ago

        I saw a recent interview Bernie did with AOC and I learned that she got into politics specifically because she was inspired by Bernie during his presidential run in 2016. Thats something I didn’t realize and it explains a lot why we feel a lot of the same energy from them.

        1 month ago

        I say run him anyways - he can be the token ‘old white dude’, with AOC as his vice. If he kicks the bucket or finds that he is breaking down, he can pass the baton. Otherwise, we get an extra four years of progress for each term he runs. If dementia is a concern, just write a public contract under what terms he is out of the running.

        Something like “We know I am getting old. AOC has my right of attorney for determining my mental state.”

          31 month ago

          No argument from me, but I have a suspicion that being old is going to be a third rail politically during the next general election, assuming we get one and that it resembles being a free and valid election in any way.

        1 month ago

        Most Americans want progressive policies, they’re just convinced from Cold War propaganda that progressivism/socialism is always the opposite of good.

        Bernie stopped running for president after the DNC told him to. He’s proven he doesn’t have what it takes to stand for his principles in a presidential run.

        I loved Bernie, even donated to him twice, but he’s a coward and only does lip service these days.

          71 month ago

          Bernie was ratfucked out of the nomination, no doubt. What happened in West Virginia, for example, where he won all counties and they lied about it, was insane.

          But… you cannot blame him or call him a coward for doing the right thing. At some point he saw the writing was on the wall. They were coronating Hillary no matter what. The next president would either be Hillary or Trump. Bernie put country before himself and stood aside. He didn’t make Trump’s path to victory any easier, and actively did his best to prevent a dangerous man from rising to power. None of that makes him a coward, it makes him a leader. A mensch.

            21 month ago

            Him running as a real leftest canidate after they tried to suppress him would have been the right thing, and him not choosing that path set us down the path we’re on today.

            There were a lot of Bernie voters who refused to vote for Hillary after that. The DNC lost the progressive vote for their actions in 2016.

              31 month ago

              You mean him running as a third party candidate? That’s a guaranteed loss under the current electoral system. He would’ve siphoned votes from both sides, but more from Hillary and delivered Trump an electoral college and popular vote victory. The left would’ve been demonised even more than they already were and AOC/The Squad would never have been elected to congress in 2018. Under First Past the Post, the only option for a populist progressive candidate is to do what Trump did. Take the party over from inside out. Going third party is just a fantasy.

                1 month ago

                Yeah you’re right, he made the right choice bending the knee to the Neoliberals because then the Neoliberals wouldn’t have been able to beat Trump.

                Because Hillary beat Trump after the Neoliberals suppressed the Progressives in 2016, right? I forgot, can you remind me who won?

                  41 month ago

                  There was 0% chance a third party candidate was winning in 2016, Bernie or not. There was about a 50% chance of Hillary winning.

                  Also, viewing this as ‘bending the knee’ is so juvenile. Bernie knows who he is and has advocated for progressive values for longer than most of us have been alive. He made a calculated decision to do what had the highest chance of defeating Trump. It’s not his fault that Hillary and the Democratic machine are completely inept

                    -21 month ago

                    Bernie had more individual donations from real people than any canidate in US history.

                    It was the 2nd biggest grassroots campaign in my life after obama

                    Sorry you didn’t pay attention

        • xapr [he/him]
          21 month ago

          Bernie stopped running for president after the DNC told him to.

          What do you mean by this?