Kennedy’s hearing signifies how close a man with medically racist beliefs is to becoming the US’s leading health official

      21 month ago

      Ok, lets apply the paradox of tolerance to islamic views on women and lgbtq people. I remember clinton meeting with the taliban while everyone thought ferengi were hilarious. Im that old. and modern misogyny is no fucking surprise. They called the misogynistic ads ironic, and sending kids child porn was ironic, and 4chan racism was ironic. None of it was ironic and the stupid assholes in society have only been strengthened by the internet. Freedom of speech allowed nazis to walk the streets of america and now you have the result.

      11 month ago

      Also don’t forget Rush Limbaugh. He was a big advocate of ‘civility’ and ‘politeness’ but he absolutely did not consider racism, racist jokes, or telling someone they can’t do something because of their race, to be uncivil or rude.