License to fish? License to… RIDE A BIKE? License to… HAVE A DOG/CAT? License to USE A RADIO? (I’m talking about GMRS, AFIAK emergency services do not use GMRS frequencies)

Why is everything a license?

What next? License to exist?

Someday they are gonna require a license to get your own water, or filter your own air (due to pollution).

  • sunzu2
    41 month ago

    License to have a dog:

    Costs a certain amount of money each month. This funds public cleaning of dog poop and free dog poop bags.

    Wait… i never heard of this… where is this utopia located?!

      • sunzu2
        -11 month ago

        Clearly not in US cities… because there is dog shit every where and dog owners get indignant when they are told to pick that shit up lol

        • This used to be like this in my hometown (in Europe). Then the city government placed free excrement bag dispensers in many places and did a public awareness campaign telling people to clean up after their dogs; this definitely had an effect, I hardly ever see dog poop anywhere anymore.