    2 months ago

    The German aristocracy bankrolled Hitler as well. It sorta sounded like you were implying that didn’t happen.

    Hitler disbanded the trade unions at the behest of heads of industries. Industry showed its gratitude with the ‘Adolph Hitler Fund’, to which the companies paid a % of turnover.

    From 1933 onward 100 million reichsmarks were paid to Hitler every year, which would have made him a billionaire by today’s standards.

    • @Doomsider@lemmy.world
      22 months ago

      Sure they did, the issue is they didn’t have the money to make it happen. It would be very interesting to see who gave the most money to the Nazis. I am guessing US citizens were the largest contributor, but without any actual data it is just an educated guess.

      This only goes to highlight how wealth inequality has created the environment for some of the worst atoricities. Why is it the wealthy seem to help start, fund, and benefit from all our modern wars.