This person pulled straight into a 45 degree parking spot. I’m parked on the left. It’s a daycare and I’m curious if their kids can color inside the lines yet.

  • Dizzy Devil Ducky
    12 years ago

    I’ll admit I’m the asshole in the situation, but if I parked badly only to come out and see someone had keyed my car, I might get the message that I need to park better.

    Also, having a super pristine vehicle doesn’t matter to me as much, so having it repainted after someone keys it wouldn’t be my first priority by a long shot. Probably close to the very bottom of the top 10 priorities for me in that position.

    • Stez
      12 years ago

      So you’re saying that you would be ok with someone damaging your property that you worked to get just to know you parked wrong? Instead of a note or something

      • Dizzy Devil Ducky
        12 years ago

        I’d learn a lot quicker if a few people keyed my vehicle than just leaving a note and I’d get a punishment I feel is deserved, so yeah. Sure I’d be mad, but I’d in the end feel they were justified in their actions.

      • Dizzy Devil Ducky
        02 years ago

        I’d learn a lot quicker if a few people keyed my vehicle than just leaving a note and I’d get a punishment I feel is deserved, so yeah. Sure I’d be mad, but I’d in the end feel they were justified in their actions.