In you’re daily life do people praise psychotic people or behavior? Most of the time I feel like I’m a psycho that has to work with general public. It’s not like I’m aggressive, I just decide that how a stranger feels doesn’t matter as much as whatever I need.

    • sp3ctr4l
      27 days ago


      Psycopathy/Sociopathy (They’ve been merged together into ASPD as of the DSM 5) is 100% normalized, actually idealized, often literally worshipped, promoted as the mode of behavior of a successful, powerful person.

      … So long as you don’t directly go around murdering and robbing and defrauding people yourself, one at a time, if you can do all that indirectly via commanding or directing a complex, layered, system, then congrats, your psycopathy produces concentrated profits and socialized misery, and tens of millions of idiots will believe you are a role model.