I have.

It’s, just sometimes that occurs when I eat.

Munching for a bit, then hook my finger and pull my hair out.

I can’t push my hair back, because it is wavy and demands to be able to flow over my shoulders.

I can’t tie it up lest it rebels and consumes the hairband.

I have just learned to accept it. Have you?

  • @Moonguide@lemmy.ml
    127 days ago

    Lol, that’s what I tell my friends when they inquire about sustenance storage in my beard.

    RE: the centre stache thing, yeah. The bit isn’t a problem because that part I do trim meticulously. The sides are though, but those achieve the look. The problem is those hairs don’t grow outwards in an imperial fashion, but inwards. Think the guy with the beret from myth busters.

    • lattrommi
      226 days ago

      Ah, makes sense. Mine does more of a Salvador Dali thing, like the stache is trying to join forces with my eyebrows.