Attorney, journalist, and Elon Musk biographer Seth Abramson eviscerated both Elon Musk and his “fanboys” who have attempted to use the billionaire’s IQ as an indication of his intellectual prowess in a series of messages shared on X Thursday evening and into Friday.

    • Lorindól
      023 days ago

      Yes! If you know how to look up edit history, please do so! There has been no editing on my part.

        123 days ago

        Pffffffffffffffff 😂

        You know its so sad that this might even work out for you, after all Trump supporters too refused to read the jan files

        But you have yet to answer my one question! Does your miniscular penis feel larger for lying on the internet?

        • Lorindól
          123 days ago

          Are you familiar with the concept of “projection” in psychology?

            123 days ago

            I have never claimed a 140 IQ, nor have I unjustly claimed to of a profession I am not! I am not the one trying to compensate for something here?

            But can you answer that one question for me? Pretty please?

            • Lorindól
              123 days ago

              I have not claimed any profession.

              In my original comment I did state that I got into officer training, perhaps you assumed that as a career officer? I admit that the conscript army system is so profoundly different that I could have been more precise.

              I assumed that the later mention of university studies would have made it clear that I was not a career soldier.

              It is also true that I cannot verify my claim about the IQ test. Like I said earlier, it was a part of another student’s thesis. We got to hear the results after the test, then the gathered data was processed anonymously. If I recall correctly, the study was more about the qualities of the test itself, the qualities of the participants were not important. I think everyone got a free movie ticket for taking the test and I spent mine on “Kill Bill” 1 or 2.

              But tell me, why would I want to lie about this? To what gain?

                123 days ago

                Still no country huh? You fear any and all verifiability… I wonder and wonder and wonder why

                Its rllly more that you can’t since it did not happen! I could ask about the parameters of your non-existentent experiment, question its purpose, which you have not stated or its validity, as you said they were made by one of your fellow university students assuming that too wasn’t a lie, which it likely is considering your knowledge of IQ tests… But whats the point? You will posthumously edit yourself out of your contradictions or simply ignore them… I will probably miss the time I wasted on you

                You should ask yourself! Why are you lying on the internet? You know, you can imagine ‘what if’-s without commenting them?