“Trumpism is not going to be defeated by inside-the-Beltway politicians,” he said.

  • @HorreC@lemmy.world
    -123 days ago

    While I feel like this is bait, lets just say they are the ones out here actively confronting it, maybe not in the spaces you are watching but they are on the floor and in their communities talking to the people and voicing their concerns. But to your point, they can not do anything alone, they dont have more then a handful let alone votes for anything more of “Hey this is the law, they are breaking it” but going after them isnt easy they dont have the bankroll the libs and conservatives have from all their corporate backers.

      • @FauxLiving@lemmy.world
        123 days ago

        My brother in society, how do you think movements start?

        There’s not going to be a Blue-vested Donkey that flies down from the sky and smites Elon and doge. You’re not going to be saved, there’s nobody coming.

        Until more people realize this, they’re going to continue acting with impunity while everyone acts paralyzed and waits for someone else to do something. YOU do something, acting cynical on the Internet isn’t contributing in any way in a positive direction.

          • @FauxLiving@lemmy.world
            323 days ago

            You’re not attempting to state a point, you’re sealioning.

            They replied to you and stated what people on the left are doing. Asking the same question over and over again while not actually engaging in a conversation is just trolling and unwanted.

            • @Rhoeri@lemmy.world
              23 days ago

              They didn’t answer the question. They just said some crap about how some people are talking to people about the things happening and “voicing concerns.” That’s not any more effective than what anyone else is doing- yet they claimed:

              It’s the leftist that are doing anything right now.

              … which is clearly implying that no one else is doing anything effective.

              So… what I’m doing is asking a simple question to support a claim that was made by someone else. What effective measures are being done by the leftist that aren’t also being done by democrats and or anyone else for that matter?

              Hell, even conservatives are gathering to oppose Краснов.

              And now, for some reason, you’ve chosen yourself to be the one to step up and speak on their behalf? Only you’re using the tired and painfully transparent tactic of derailing the question by personally attacking the person asking by falsely accusing them of bullshit to keep them on the defensive.

              I’ve argued with thousands of versions of you before. So I’ll ask again….

              Name one effective thing leftists are doing that no one else is? It’s a simple fucking question, genuinely asked. So don’t accuse people of sealioning because you don’t like being held to scrutiny.

              And while you’re working on that, how about you familiarize yourself with that sealioning definition of yours and see how what I’m doing here doesn’t resemble it in any possible way.