Posting to show that not only US media is seeing it this way. It was a disgrace.

    18 days ago

    Yours is the only credible explanation I’ve seen so far

    Here’s something I thought of while watching: Who’s backing up Zelenskiy and giving him the courage to walk away like he did?

    Somewhat related: Years ago I read a blog post about “who’s really in charge”. Basically it’s the MIC. At what point does the MIC flex and assert its interests in continuing the conflict in Ukraine?

    Trump’s hands were quickly tied in 2017, just as Obama found himself in 2009, by the bureaucracy, congressional gridlock, and the demands of the donor class. It’s the overarching theme of a Chapo miniseries, Hell of Presidents: US executives have little ability to make sweeping changes even when they have a mandate.

    So now he’s there and trying to beat them all by firing everyone. Trump’s only personal goals seem to be ending Ukraine conflict and pretending to be tough on immigration. He hires loyalist sycophants and lets them pursue their own agendas (Christianists, Nazis, RFK medical quackery, etc) because they agree to stay out of his way on his pet issues.

    The lawless takeover by Musk has kept me awake at night. These people are just doing whatever they want and daring anybody to stop them.

    What I saw in this bizarre piece of diplomacy theatre was a huge crack in the facade. Nobody conducts serious diplomacy this way. This is desperation by Trump to gain some leverage through public opinion and put Zelenskiy on the spot. Trump’s desired course of action with Ukraine threatens the legitimacy and mission of the postwar empire (regardless of what you or I think about US imperialism and NATO) and a lot of folks are deeply invested in that arrangement

    This is all just ideas floating around in my head that seem somehow related. I’m sure someone else can make sense of it, or tell me why I’m way off base