Norwegian fuel company Haltbakk Bunkers has announced it will cease supplying fuel to U.S. military forces in Norway and American ships docking in Norwegian ports, citing dissatisfaction with recent U.S. policy towards Ukraine.

    718 days ago

    What if Elon has already bought them all? It doesn’t take much for a jizzilionaire like him

    • justOnePersistentKbinPlease
      718 days ago

      His wealth is mostly imaginary. If he actually moved to solidify any significant portion of it, it would all collapse as its tied up in very few companies.

      When he was at a listed value of 200 billion he had to get 20-30 other groups and governments together for the whole twitter takeover. Which should have been easy for him at the time based on his net worth alone.

        618 days ago
        1. It’s always better to spend the money of others.
        2. It doesn’t appear that bribing congresspeople is all that expensive. IIRC, it only took $60k to bribe that one congressperson who got caught.
        3. Just the threat of financing primary challengers appears to be enough to control Republican congresspeople. He’s probably privately doing the same with some Dems too (offering not to finance challengers; he’s already said he will finance challengers to all Democrats).
        418 days ago

        It doesnt really matter if he can get 200 billion in cash right this instant. His theoretical net worth is enough to get him the influence and power that comes with that kind of money.

        • justOnePersistentKbinPlease
          117 days ago

          I am absolutely not saying that he can’t get enough money up to fuck everything up.

          But most of his wealth is Tesla stock. Recall that when he sold only $10 billion of it, the price tanked.

          He is only worth $200+ billion if you don’t look at it hard.

    • Cosmic Cleric
      -1718 days ago

      What if Elon has already bought them all? It doesn’t take much for a jizzilionaire like him

      If we’re going to “what if” why stop there? Why don’t we have Elon kidnapping them and implanting mind control devices in each of their heads. A person with those kind of resources and technology could do such a thing. /s

      If I was to take your point seriously, I would suggest the courts would have something to say about that, from lawsuits filed by civilians.

      The hyperbole really has to stop. You don’t go from a 0% authoritarianism to 100% in one day/step. Its a process, and we are not there yet (though I do definitely agree we’re starting to lean in that direction).

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