Reasons to just do away (I am not suggesting a government ban) on competive sports. Ex. basketball, football, baseball, damn near everything else. I wasn’t always like this. Had a conversation with wife of a co-worker 20 some years ago and thought she was nuts. Funny how time and reconsideration can change a person outlook.

A huge waste of time. Unproductive except for large corporations and inflating players egos.

It reinforces division and us vs. them attitudes. Not unity and cooperation like what is needed today.

Add in b.s. like taking a knee during the anthem and men in womens sports, let’s just do away with competive sports.

If you want to ‘stick it to the man’ of overpaid athletes and mega-rich sports conglomerates, please consider.

I now spend my sundays at the rifle range.

    418 days ago

    The sentence about overpaid athletes is even dumber. Sure they’re paid well, some of them, because of all the money their sports are earning. The owners are paid much much better. Anyone who’s more mad at the athletes than the owners is an idiot.

    • snooggums
      418 days ago

      I did miss the overpayed athelete line. They are entertainers who put their bodies on the line for a short career and deserve every penny they get and more.