• LupusBlackfur
    129 days ago

    “Here’s why Democrats are especially reluctant to let that happen.”

    Because established Dem leadership are all feckless, spineless, ball-less, weak-as-water pansies with no political will for this or any other fight.

    They will sit back and witness the complete demise of US democracy rather than upset their precious rules of decorum.

    🤦‍♀️ 🤡 🖕 🖕

    • I take issue with your statement. Water is not weak. Water shapes the mountains, can cut steel, and gave rise to life as we know it. Dem leadership has none of those qualities. They are more like old warm pudding on a sidewalk.

      • LupusBlackfur
        49 days ago

        I take your point…

        While assuming you recognize the phrase “weak-as-water” is taken to mean as opposed to alcoholic beverages, yes?
