During a tour of the historic King’s Theater in Edinburgh, photographer Mike Hume was perched atop scaffolding some 40 feet above the stage. From this position, he had a close-up view of an ornamental red-and-gold crown, the centerpiece of the theater’s proscenium arch.

As Hume studied the plaster decoration, he noticed a gap behind it. Naturally, he stuck his hand in it— “an impulse any history nerd can understand completely,” as the History Blog writes.

“It really was like a scene out of Indiana Jones,” Hume, who is also a donor to the theater, tells BBC News’ Angie Brown. “It was a bit damp, and there was all this crumbly plaster and stuff in there. Then my hand stumbled on this solid object, and I pulled out this glass bottle.”

  • @x00z@lemmy.world
    411 days ago

    This is awesome news.

    I wonder what they’ll do with it. I’m hoping that it gets displayed there somewhere.