But the most jarring aesthetic in this burgeoning MAGA stagecraft is the unbridled embrace of face-altering procedures: plastic surgery, veneers, and injectables like Botox and fillers. (As one Daily Mail headline declared, “Plastic surgery was [the] star of [the] show” at the Republican National Convention in 2024.) The overall look has since been disparagingly referred to as “Mar-a-Lago face.”

  • I feel like AOC would not hesitate to bite someone in a fight, I’m talking about like a full on ripping sinew and flesh out type bite. The type of biting that’d get a blood thirsty berserker to nod in respect. Ya get what I mean?

      • ALoafOfBread
        6 days ago

        Absolutely ridiculous boxing by romney. Like, I didn’t expect him to be good, but he literally fights like a 5 year old child in that clip. Like we’re talking just a general lack of gross motor coordination. Disgusting. I know it’s a joke fight, but have some self-respect.