Watched my coworker move her cursor to the right edge of her right-hand monitor to get it to over to the left side of her left-hand monitor. When I offered to show her how to adjust her display settings, she said she was used to it and didn’t want to change it. I don’t think I can walk by her desk while she’s working ever again.

What have you got?

  • Cousin Mose
    1716 hours ago

    As a web developer it’s when people want me to code ridiculous things because they don’t know how to use files, their OS or their web browser.

    Recently someone complained to me that they’d like a dropdown to be sorted a very specific way (rather than alphabetical) because it’s “too hard” to scroll through the undesired options. They don’t realize that by doing that you would no longer be able to correctly tab into the field then type the first few letters of the desired option.

    Or another user who reported that emailing documents wasn’t working because he could no longer email them to himself through the website. He could’ve simply downloaded the document using another link (right next to the email sending link) but refused to do so because he doesn’t know how to handle the file after downloading.