I can honestly say I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as a federal worker.
Right now I’m working on my resume. I’m open to work, preferably in finance as I have my accounting degree. If you know of anyone hiring please let me know.
As I have mentioned before, please do not post your political beliefs as I am not interested in debates or opinions. During this time, please remember that government employees are workers at risk of losing their job. It’s scary as most of us have dedicated our careers to government and government operations is all that most of us know and now will be forced to look outside for other options and start over. No matter which side everyone is one, no one wants to lose their job so please be mindful of this. Remember that government employees are humans too and it is a very scary time for most of us and our families.
I’m with you other than the part about not treating them like humans.
Bad take.
okay, so, what is a person? why does it matter?
and are there things that aren’t human, that we should consider treating to at least some degree like people? hypothetical actual-AI, various large mammals, corvids, cephalopods, hypothetical aliens, superorganisms of whatever kind, etc?
if your answer is “because I want it extended to me” fascists will not do that. treating them like people does not forward your goal. disrespecting them might.
if your answer is about some fundamental capacities you respect, my bet is fascists have less of those than the average dog, and extending them any courtesy you would not extend to a dog should not be extended to fascists. not that you should extend them any of the courtesies you would extend to a dog. they are not good boys.
Really? This is where you want to take it? There’s plenty of scholarly discussion about dehumanization (particuarly surrounding WW2 and the events leaading up to it)…
Here is something I found after a quick search (I’m sure there are better examples out there. Hannah Arendt is a good place to start):
I was going to copy/paste more before realizing I was just copying the entire page. I highly recommend you just read the thing yourself.
Nothing good ever comes from dehumanizing people.
Regarding your argument about other animals… I just… I don’t even know what to say. We are talking about humans being viewed as less than human. Has nothing to do with treating animals like people (which is also something we shouldn’t do, but for completely unrelated reasons).
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I have no idea who you are or what you’re referring to.
The fuck? First of all, what patients? What is it that you think that I do? Second… super classy, dude.
Edit: Oh didn’t even realize you were the same person demonizing psychiatry in another thread. Wow you’re just a bad take machine.
I’m not a psychiatrist, by the way, I just take issue with people saying ignorant shit about subjects they clearly do not understand. And I find it offensive that you would suggest that psychiatrists are rapists, or that I’m a rapist because (you think) I’m a psychiatrist. What an extremely aggressive and shitty thing to say.
Again, more Scientology shit. If you really aren’t part of the Church of Scientology, maybe it’s time to look into it because hatred of psychiatry is like the basis of their cult.