In the piece — titled “Can You Fool a Self Driving Car?” — Rober found that a Tesla car on Autopilot was fooled by a Wile E. Coyote-style wall painted to look like the road ahead of it, with the electric vehicle plowing right through it instead of stopping.
The footage was damning enough, with slow-motion clips showing the car not only crashing through the styrofoam wall but also a mannequin of a child. The Tesla was also fooled by simulated rain and fog.
It was always just to save money and pad the profit margins
And to make him think he’s a smart boy.
A LiDAR sensor couldn’t add more than a few hundred to a car, surely
And thats a few hundred less profit, so we cant have that.
They ditched radar at a time when radar only added probably about $50 a car according to some estimates.
It may technically get a smidge more profitable, but it almost seems like it’s more about hubris around tech shouldn’t need more than a human to do as well. Which even if it were true, is a stupid stance to take when in that scenario you could have better than human senses.
@jj4211 @Flax_vert It sounds to me, from various sources with bits of the picture, that active ranging was dropped during the pandemic because supply was harder and it would have slowed production, with potential financial consequences for the brand (due to Elmo’s customary over-leveraging backed by his boastful BS). And then tried to claim that that was intentional, even planned, and tried to make up the loss with some kind of software magic that still can’t violate the laws of physics.