Almost everyone who is attempted to commit suicide and has survived say they regretted it. People don’t really want to die they just can’t think of how to progress but that’s usually because they’re not in a healthy mental state rather than because life is literally unlivable.
My cousin suffered from severe depression and killed himself and he had a perfectly good life there was absolutely no outside reason that he did that, it was entirely because he was ill.
People who want to die because of actual medical reasons usually plan it out a bit more thoroughly and tend to go with methods other than overdosing on painkillers.
Kevin Hines is one of those failed suicides who now talks suicide prevention. His perspective on changing his mind starting to fall is probably common to all suicides.
Almost everyone who is attempted to commit suicide and has survived say they regretted it. People don’t really want to die they just can’t think of how to progress but that’s usually because they’re not in a healthy mental state rather than because life is literally unlivable.
My cousin suffered from severe depression and killed himself and he had a perfectly good life there was absolutely no outside reason that he did that, it was entirely because he was ill.
People who want to die because of actual medical reasons usually plan it out a bit more thoroughly and tend to go with methods other than overdosing on painkillers.
Kevin Hines is one of those failed suicides who now talks suicide prevention. His perspective on changing his mind starting to fall is probably common to all suicides.