“Also, there is no way that the gun was a part of this crime! Guns don’t kill people. Only the mentally unstable people we goad into mass shootings with the weapons and ammo we sell them kill people.”
Pfft these kids don’t even know what kind of guns they’re being killed with…
Your cries for help are meaningless if you can’t tell the difference smh
They could call it a “fnorplgleek” for all I care.
Until they figure out how to prevent any and all fnorplgleeks from having the ability to injure, main, or kill another human being when the fnorplgleek operator wishes to harm you unlawfully, they can expend 100% of their thinkbox time figuring out how to do so. Like, pin their wetware CPU to working out a solution. Interconnect them Borg style.
If the response is “well no, not like that” then we recognize that it’s a compromise that continues to put victims in front of said fnorplgleek operators.
brb getting a “Down with fnorplgleeks” t-shirt made
So you wouldn’t care if the legislation was written to ban anything that has the potential to kill?
Guns, cars, knives, bleach, rope all could fall into that category. See how words have specific definitions and actually matter quite a bit? Especially when the law is concerned. Why do you think there’s different categories of homicide? Do you think manslaughter and 1st degree murder should carry the same penalty?
Only one is made to kill. All others have other uses
So large jacked up trucks have a use? Butterfly knives and swords have practical uses? What about cars with more than 200 hp? Not like you can do 120mph anywhere legally, so why have them? Or alcohol, more people are killed 10 fold via drunk drivers than all rifles combined… sounds like alcohol should go back to prohibition era and the gov. poisons it.
I take it you’re for walkable cities then?
Absolutely and mass transit. Trains should have been worked heavily into long distance travel in our country. Even though I’m a petrolhead, I still don’t understand why we neutered our mass transit and civilian walkable infrastructure…might have helped with our obesity epidemic.
Good to hear we can agree on that
The point of the right to bear arms is to have some defense against an oppressive government if needed.
Yes it is.
Historians could only “uncover” this reason because it’s buried under the actual reasons. All the rationale behind the constitutional amendments was highly documented at the time, public, and easily accessed and referenced.
You mean including the highly documented rationale that historian uncovered?
By the way, do you really think you could defeat the U.S. military with your gun collection? Even if you and a bunch of buddies got together?
As to your second paragraph, yep, yes, sure. We got beat by a bunch of illiterate desert goat rapists and jungle Asians. Just need to outlast the political will of the oligopoly
Just don’t mention assault rifle, you’ll trigger someone.
(I got one!)
The best way to be taken seriously is to show how misinformed you are about the subject you’re pontificating on
Unless you know exactly all the specks of a weapon used to muder you, you aren’t allowed to ask not to be murdered. It’s that one simple trick that all murderers should remember
Unless you know the bare minimum about the thing you want to outlaw, let the adults handle outlawing it.
I know so many people who think they are helping by critiquing like this when they are not. And also expect a “thank you” for their destructive distraction. If there were a hell I hope they are the first to burn or freeze in it.
If you’ve ever seen the difference a machine gun and a semi auto does to a body you’d be picky about it too
If you saw how dead the 4 year old is either way, you wouldn’t be.
There a lot of 4 year olds getting killed in school shootings?
No you are right. Toddlers shoot their family instead