There is an episode of The Dollup podcast about ninjas in 1800s (I think) Japan and in one part they talk about how the ninja would often have to wait around all day or more hiding to assassinate someone. They way they could tell how long they’d been waiting was by the change of the “dominant” nostril.
Apparently even when not stuffed up the air passes thru one nostril more easy than the other when you breathe. It switches about every 40 minutes.
It’s also a mechanism to enhance our sense of smell. Some odors are slower to bind to olfactory receptors, so they need a slow, restricted airflow to properly be absorbed.
I did not know that. Very cool piece of info to learn. Thanks!
Before you take everyone’s word about the nasal cycle, check if you have dust mite allergies. Turns out I did and my nose was far stuffier and itchier than what should be normal.
I switched out my pillowcase to an allergy pillowcase and started taking some allergy meds. It cleared up my nose a lot and now I can actually feel one nostril only being slightly more closed due to the nasal cycle instead of having it almost all blocked.
Mine’s more closed because I broke my nose in a fight 🤷.
Why did you break your own nose in a fight?
When the opponent is weaker, the honorable thing is to give yourself a handicap.
Lol 🤣, yeah, you could interpret it like that 🤣.
The other guy broke it of course 🤣.
Yesterday I bought an air purifier. Today was the first day since the furnace turned on I woke up with clear sinuses! Dust mites and cat dander are what’s happening with me I think.
What allergy meds do you take? I also have a dust mite allergy.
Zyrtec and Flo-nase works well for me, but everyone’s biochemistry is different. I recommend getting an allergy panel if you have access to affordable healthcare. Otherwise, try every OTC allergy med one at a time.
Here is a wild theory: I have cats and I’m not directly allergic to them, but I found that brushing them helps improve dust mite allergies because they shed less and leave fewer surfaces for dust mites to cling to.
I’ve done an allergy panel. That’s how I know I have the allergy. Also allergic to a type of mold, and willow trees. Sadly, I can’t do the flonase because of very bad psychiatric reaction to steroids. I’ll have to try others. Right now I’m doing 24hr Claritin.
That’s a shame that you can’t use Flonase. Any luck with antihistamine nose sprays?
Haven’t tried any yet. Unless you’re taking about saline misting sprays.
Usually one of my nostrils be like
I’ve found that blowing your nose before bed fixes this. Otherwise that liquid snot turns into little whistling boogies later.
Your nostrils are never open at the same time.
They switch sides every so often, so one of them can catch a break and repair.
They aren’t both open right now either, just try.
See, this is what always bothers me with blocked noses, like. Okay, yeah, it’s probably automatic, but certainly, the brain can just override the active nostril and switch ot to the other sode when it detects something is wrong.
I’m so curious why it just doesn’t.
Your body doesn’t want to override because it’s doing it to give half your sinuses a break and recover. If it just kept running on the unblocked one you’d quickly dry it out. Unfortunately the only override is manually switching to mouth breathing.
I get why it’d try to avoid it. I’m just unsure why it can’t make an exception when it struggles to get air.
Also, true with mouth breathing. But that’s so uncomfortable
Because drying out and damaging your sinus is worse than a little obstructed nostril, your body is more concerned with the resulting damage rather than comfort. You’re not struggling to get air if one nostril is restricted.
Okay, okay.
New question: How long could a nostril go without drying out? Unrelated to the blocked nostril.
I don’t have an answer but I would guess somewhere along the lines of a couple hours (we’re talking about the whole half sinus, not just the nostril). So it would be great if the body could adapt to a plugged nostril by not switching to it, the mechanism just doesn’t exist as the sinus are on autopilot.
Cool note, it’s erectile tissue in the sinus that expands and contracts to make the automatic process work.
Then there’s me with one nostril that’s always closed.
It sucks that septoplasty surgery can reverse itself.
They aren’t both fully open, but in the day time I breathe normally through both. I don’t get the OP scenario any more but I used to, it’s a different feeling to the normal cycle in my experience.
I think it’s to prevent the nostrils from drying out. One nostril does most of the breathing, while the other one gets a break.
My recommendation is to drink lots of water throughout the day, homie. It can get pretty dry.
Neti pot those things. It’s a little like self-waterboarding, but your sinus passages will thank you later.
And please, please, please do not use tap water. You may get a brain eating amoeba which will end you, guaranteed.
Yeah, just distilled with a dash of salt.
I do not see this as a negative.
I have a love/hate relationship with mine. It does help with allergies and the constant runny nose that I had… But it’s genuinely an awful experience lol. I feel like I’m gonna vomit every time.
I’ve always found doing pushups clears them up. No idea why. It just works.
Kind of difficult to sleep while doing pushups.
I could make a Rick and Morty reference here but I’ll spare the cringe.
You didn’t give us the thing and you didn’t spare us from the other thing.
Truely this is the worst timeline.
And one of them is whistling with every exhale.
You cycle through which nostril is dominant all day long, about every 30-50 minutes. This is to allow each side to return to body heat equilibrium and recover.
You pass 10-20k liters of generally colder than bodytemperature air through your nose in a day.
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You seem to have a lot of anger. I hope you find a positive way to manage that.
Yeah, I’m solving my anger by campaigning to get rid of the bigotries that make me angry
Star Trek. There’s a character, 7/9, who starts the series identifying as nonbinary. 7/9 is held prisoner by the protagonists and its cybernetic implants are surgically removed, and then the captain of the ship grooms it into, in her own words, “becoming a woman”. There’s also an undercurrent of homophobia in the whole situation, because “becoming a woman” means pursuing men. I’m nonbinary and intersex, and in a conversation where I said I identified with 7/9, Stamets (a cis guy), called me a transphobic troll for having a gender similar to 7/9’s. He also said I was deadnaming “Seven” by referring to it with numerals instead of letters.
7/9’s story is not simple and it’s not unproblematic. I can understand why a trans woman would identity with 7/9 for similar reasons that I did. But when a cis guy says his interpretation is the only correct one, talks over trans people, and accuses me of faking my gender, that crosses a line. Stamets believes that my gender is transphobic, because it supposedly harms the respectability of binary trans people who aim to assimilate into patriarchal culture.
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an abducted child who was forcefully desexed and dehumanized, mutilated, and brainwashed into essentially a cult
Keep in mind that after it was separated from the collective while crying out in pain and despair, it was then forcefully sexed, forcefully humanized, mutilated, and brainwashed. It cries in pain every time it is reminded of its time with humans at the beginning of its life, back when it was forced to identify as female because it was born with a vagina.
I do not argue that the Borg are in the right. But I certainly think that the Federation are at least as much in the wrong as the Borg are. There is no textual evidence that 7/9 ever chose a female identity or accepted one willingly. It cried in pain and dysphoria and dread when it was mutilated and forcefully sexed. I cried the same way when I, an asexual nonbinary person, was forcefully sexed by puberty. When every adult I knew said I would have to participate in heterosexuality and I had no choice. I pursued hetereosexual relationships because I was told I had to.
We don’t have enough stories about trans women. But we have ONE story about dronegender people. Seven of Nine, Tertiary Adjuct of Unimatrix Zero One. That is the ONLY story we have. There are no other stories in the whole world about people like me. I don’t think trans women have enough representation in media. But why do they have to claim a “trans woman” who was given surgery against its will as one of them, when I have absolutely nothing?
Stamets does not even say the two stories can exist in parallel. Stamets says my very existence is an insult to trans women. That claiming the only representation of my gender in the whole world is transphobic.
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You would agree that you are born your gender, regardless of physical sexual characteristics like genitals, correct?
No. Nobody is born a man, woman, boy, girl, or anything else. Babies have no gender. Gender identity begins developing at age 2-3, solidifies at age 4, and continues to develop into adulthood. In some people, such as genderfluid people, it never solidifies into a single state. Psychologists have demonstrated that gender forms during early childhood at length. Sociologists have for a very long time said that gender is a social construct (NOT a biological one), and have pointed out that different cultures have different numbers of genders. Do you think it’s a cosmic coincidence that bissu-gender people are only born in Bugis society and not in other cultures? No. The bissu gender, like all genders, is socially formed.
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No, that’s an overly specific definition. Broadly, a drone is any agent remotely controlled by another intelligence. For example, computer scientists create swarms of drones in simulations, robotocists create drones for photography and the military, science fiction writers write stories about drones in space, and offices are full of drones that do little to no thinking for themselves.
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You can read more here:
The person in that article isn’t me. But if it were me, then who the hell are the other people that drone mentions being in their swarm? They say there’s 4 drones and a queen.
I’m gonna be clear; I don’t like you. You think that xenogenders require sources. That’s absurd. You also look down on people with mental disorders like NPD. I think you’re transphobic and ableist, and a gatekeeper. I don’t care about your opinion of 7/9, because you’ve not given me any evidence you respect nonbinary people other than yourself. You’ve given me evidence that you’ll attack fellow nonbinary people for their disabilities and doubt their own experiences.
The existence of drones as a kink (which that carrd does specifically call out for some reason) is explicitly offensive to me and it’s the one kink I’m unafraid to shame. A mind or a body is a lovely thing to have, and one should remain in charge of their own.
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If, in fact, that one single article is about you, you admit to being a narcissist
okay, the fact you need to point that out is absolutely ridiculous. what’s wrong with being narcissistic? nobody chooses to be one.
Please refrain from speaking so harshly about a beloved community member
if your “beloved community member” is pretty much willing to deny the lived experiences and interpretation of an intersex person, someone whose experiences and identity are still widely discriminated against and quite literally forcibly put surgeries upon from a young age for them to fit within the binary sex/gender bullshit that’s forced upon all of us, then maybe your community should rethink its standards and its views on intersex people.
I don’t want to play psychologist, especially because I’m not qualified, but
the typical “I don’t want to do something that’s clearly wrong and bigoted, but” response. if someone were to say “I don’t want to be racist, especially since I attended a BLM protest, but [spews out racist stuff]”, you’d understand that is wrong. So why not understand that when you’re armchair diagnosing someone, you could be ableist towards them?
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Uhhhhh care to elaborate? Because that statement could be seen as defamatory
It is defamatory, I don’t want a transphobe to be famous. Stamets called me a troll for identifying as nonbinary. We had a conversation about an asexual nonbinary character in Star Trek who gets surgically and socially conditioned into a heterosexual woman. I said maybe that’s a better nonbinary horror story than a transfemme liberation story. Stamets, a cis guy, insisted that his interpretation is the only correct one because nobody really identifies like this character, and the fact I say I’m nonbinary like this character makes me a troll.
Staments is generally very attacky, he plays childish games with people who disagree with him. But people defend him/he gets a pass because of all the memes he reposts from other sources.
His behaviour (and also the fact there is no new star trek at the moment) has me hardly using my account on
My impressions of him align with yours perfectly, and I’d love to have more evidence of his poor behaviour to present in situations like this. Can you tell me more?
I mean its just bickering about startrek here - but when you go to a specific instance to talk about star trek and he plays edit games to belittle people it sort of takes the fun out it. It’s nothing as serious as gender/identity etc
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You know this user and that corvid of the night user are the same person, right?
Uh that’s what I was saying 🤨
Oh great it’s the troll with 40 different accounts using 3 different names that is banned everywhere. Hardlightcereal aka dronerights aka pm_me_fat_enbies aka probably some more
How hard is it to get a humidifier?
From what I know, it is pretty regular behavior for a nose. This is how noses behave due to the way blood circulation works. So, every 3-6 hours, a nostril will feel like it’s clogged. If both nostrils are clogged, it’s most likely a cold where there’s a ton of mucus accumulated.