I watch Lord Of The Rings at Christmas.
it has elves
the fellowship set out from Rivendell on the 25th of December
Gandalf has a santa-like beard
I rest my case
All of them were originally released around the holidays back in the early 00s as well, so there’s baked in Christmas association with those movies.
In a parallel universe multiplex somewhere, Christopher Lee smashed it as Krampus.
I’m pretty sure that Krampus is actually based on his activities during the second world war.
What bad little nazis got for Christmas.
And there ain’t no good little nazis.
People say Die Hard is Christmas movie because people are so fucking tired of the same rehashed Christmas movies that get played in repeat every year. I like Elf but I’ve seen it enough.
Same with Christmas music. I’m tired of this boomer era shit starting in October.
Jingle All the Way is a better Christmas action movie that’s actually about Christmas.
So my husband also loves this movie. I try every year to like it, but I simply cannot. I wonder if it’s one of those that you find and love as a kid or else it’s hard to get into, haha.
I watched this again a few years ago, and Sinbad has some of the worst delivery of all time, even among people who flexed into an “acting” career. That’s to go among with Arnie’s “unique” delivery of predictable dialogues and bad puns.
Phil Hartman was hilarious, or course.
It’s a terrible movie.
Sinbad’s performance is saved by the homemade explosive device scene. Other than that, he’s a hack haha
It’s a terrible movie, but us Minnesotans overlook that for the unbridled joy of pointing at the screen and saying “I’ve been there!” or “Nancy knows the family that used to live in that house.” (she doesn’t)
Honestly Phil Hartman being in it is one of the best parts for me. He was a treasure. RIP
You have to buy into the premise of its fantastical, half real/half cartoon reality. If you’re watching it through a serious lens or even as a comedy that takes place in a real world Minneapolis, you’ll never be able to appreciate it.
Idk man, I’ve seen some pretty dope cartoons. I’ve tried looking at it from a million different angles over the years (as I said, husbando loves it, so I do really try and enjoy it as well), and it just doesn’t do it for me. But it’s cool, not everything has to be for everyone, and sometimes you see something at the right time in your life and it just elevates to become something super special to you. I guess I just didn’t have that experience, ah well
Unfortunate, but you’re right. Different strokes for different folks. It’s a staple in my house due to the great one liners I can throw back and forth with the mrs.
Violent Night is going to be a Christmas tradition of ours. I also checked out Fatman this year.
My girlfriend said the same thing. Not a masterpiece but a fun lil movie to break the monotony of regular holiday movies.
Just got that movie recently 🏴☠️ and you reminded me of it. Thanks stranger!
A tradition is anything that happened to a boomer twice.
Muppet Christmas Carole never gets old.
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Ooooor when I was a kid I’d always put it on during christmas time because it was both A) Not claymation Rudolph again for the third time this month, and B) it DOES take place at a cristmas party so I could count it. Also Gremlins and Nightmare Before Christmas both got halloween time plays and christmas time plays, sue me.
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They always complained like you, actually. Very closed minded people unwilling to break from established traditions to form new ones that they otherwise may enjoy without being needlessly judgemental. You’d probably get along!
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And here you are being a run-of-the-mill asshole on the internet
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It’s ok, you don’t have to be scared to be different. Cut loose with a good christmas movie, I reccomend Rambo: First Blood.
Fuck christmas I do my best to ignore it until some annoying person comes along and invites you to some Christmas markets or whatever.
Thanks for weighing on a list of Christmas movies, jackass.
You sound miserable. I hope you find some happiness, somewhere.
May the gloom and funk you are currently experiencing fade away!
“If you _____ it means you have no personality” is played out
If you enjoy “if you _____ it means you have no personality” articles it means you have no personality.
Agreed. Saying everything isn’t a personality isn’t a personality either.
I don’t think people who call others out are making it their personality.
Unfortunately it’s not. People are so desperate to engage with others about pop culture and not have to face the horrible truth about the world we live in, that they really lean into stupid irrelevant debates about whether or not a movie is a Christmas movie.
It’s great that as Lemmy users, we’re above such trivial nonsense and would never waste multiple minutes debating with strangers about any of this piff.
as lemmy users
If you like Christmas and typical Christmas things you are an NPC without a soul.
Only if you make it your entire personality.
american psycho should be one if them, the main character even says “have a holly jolly christmas”
I like when he ODs the two elves on MDMA then walks around with the elf head on his dick.
Such metaphor.
There are more nonchalant Christmas references in American Psycho than in a Shane Black movie.
Okay but why aren’t some of these Christmas season movies? I think narnia really isn’t that big of a stretch
Snow ≠ Christmas
It was only wintery because of the witch. If anything, it’s Easter themed, since it’s literally a crucifixion allegory.
Edit: I’m a big dumb wrong person.
Santa is literally in the book. He arms the children.
I remember that was in the movie too!
I need to rewatch those
@ZeroCool @qooqie @PapaStevesy the witch cursed Narnia so that it’s always winter and never Christmas.
So with Santa’s help, the kids saved Christmas. Yeah you’re not convincing me that Narnia isn’t a Christmas movie
Fuck. I totally forgot about that, well noted. Also, congrats on writing one of my favorite sentences ever:
He (Santa) arms the children.
What’s your case for Home Alone then?
That’s a Christmas movie to the core.
Wait is anyone debating this?!
Because its an article specifically meant to infuriate people who get into these kinds of discussions.
God forbid we talk about articles on Lemmy!
… I thought that’s what we were doing.
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I saw some clickbait article the other day “movies you didn’t realize were Christmas movies” and it was full of obvious Christmas movies. #1 was Its a Wonderful Life………
It really depends on whether you can stomach watching Kevin Spacey or not, but The Ref is one of the greatest Christmas movies imo
Dennis Leary at his zenith.
EXCUSE ME EXCUSE ME EXCUSE ME. The corpse still has the floor!
‘The Ref’ is a glaring omission. Burn the website down.
Die hard should have been on one and not lethal weapon. Other than that I think those are excellent choices.
Lethal Weapon was written by Shane Black, so by default it’s a Christmas movie.
🤷♀️ I don’t enjoy traditional Christmas movies that much and I think it’s fun to do something different.
There are 8 billion of us, it’s pretty tough to say something original all the time.
Sorry, Onion, some of these literally have Christmas in their titles. That’s a stretch, even for you. XD
The post is from hardtimes.net
All my satire is onion and all my consoles are nintendo
Yeah, but the community here is theonion. The comment applies the same for any of the satire sites.
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“get a personality” and “that’s your whole personality” is just lazy writing. it’s a generic insult deployed against anyone who likes a thing that says nothing about the person or the thing. it’s the satire equivalent to “vegan bad”. why should I read an article written by someone who makes parroting bland criticisms from the internet their whole personality?
Not the Onion’s best work, if I’m honest. Feels like C-grade Cracked.com material.
Probably because it’s from The Hard Times, not The Onion.
“No, the only Christmas movies are movies I SAY are Christmas movies!” ~ Dan Rice / Chat GPT
Imagine caring what other people consider a holiday movie? Dan sounds like a miserable person who will go through your movie collection and call them all horse shit and demand you and your group watch a 4 hour movie about a woman brushing a horse and proclaiming It to be true art.
I stopped reading at his banal prologue. Don’t invite Dan over for movie night, for he is armed with a Chat Bot and a thesaurus.