My friend sent me this, the current state of Reddit. (I left during the app issue and haven’t looked back)
Used to browse Reddit daily. Once Reddit is Fun closed, I only go on to search for an answer.
Now it is Lemmy daily.
Yep, same. Multiple times daily, created posts, commented a lot.
Deleted all my accounts.
And if you deleted all your comments… they undeleted everything.
I don’t think this was true. The actual issue was you couldn’t see posts you’d made to private subreddits. Once those subreddits reopened, it made posts visible in their profiles and made it look like they hadn’t deleted everything.
I have been paranoid about this, so I check every few weeks to see if they got restored secretly (I used a script to first overwrite and then delete all of my contributions, about 4k comments and a several OC posts).
So far it seems to still be deleted
I ran a script but they have never worked well for bulk deleting, reddit always says deletion works even when it fails.
This is such a weird urban myth.
Personal experience on my part. I deleted 13 years of contributions on Reddit. They are ALL back. My account was deleted… but every single comment (that I checked anyway) is still there. I checked after I deleted them… and they were not visible for almost 2 months after I did the pass to delete… now they’re all back.
The way Spez and the admins treated Apollo’s dev was more than enough for me to leave Reddit, and that’s before the shit he said about the vulnerable users of his site (essentially seeing them as dollar signs - I know CEOs are scummy but holy fuck).
whats this about the vulnerable users?
A lot of third party integrations to improve accessibility for visually or physically impaired users were caught up in the restrictions designed to destroy RIF Apollo etc. Spez vaguely said reddit would fix that, but it basically just resulted in improvements to base reddit for those users thrown into the bottom of a low priority dev list never to see the light of day.
Oh I knew about that. With the way he said that I figured there was a specific quote that he said something about calling the user base vulnerable.
“There’s a lot of stuff on the site that you’d only ever say in therapy, or AA, or never at all … But we don’t need to give all of that value to some of the largest companies in the world for free.”
Open Lemmy, nothing new, close Lemmy. Open Lemmy again to check if something new. Nothing new.
Live life, check back in six hours, all new.
Everything top six hours is the best.
I use auto hide posts (voyager) otherwise the stale posts would drive me nuts
That’s the idea. Helps you not become a dopamine addicted mess.
Same for me. Once RIF died my time with Reddit died as well. But i really try not tongo back, but sometimes some answers are only easily found there.
I somehow was banned for “hate”. I literally have 0 idea what I could have possibly said. I appealed, of course nobody actually reads those and I am still perma banned. 10 years of history. Oh well. To Lemmy it is.
Oh I remember saying something along the lines of Ron Desantis was a dirty diaper and should be thrown out in the trash on a conservative Reddit.
The mods tried to have me banned over it and said I was harassing them. Unbelievable when all they did was talk smack about everyone. I learned when Reddit suspended my account over mods being butthurt that it was going down the drain.
Same but with Sync for Reddit instead, now I use Sync for Lemmy.
This. There’s a handful of subreddits that aren’t on Lemmy that I miss but generally speaking I’ve got everything I need on Lemmy. I’m also a lot more engaged here.
And once I can figure out a better wildcare search for the fediverse, I won’t visit Reddit at all!
I used to check Reddit pretty often, at least once every other day. Now I’ve found I use Lemmy rarely. I use Reddit more often still but that’s just to look up questions or get help with some issue. I mostly just use Discord now, and am only checking here because it’s down.
u/K4sum11 on Reddit if you’re curious
That’ll be $49.99, pal.
You’ve gotta pay, pal.
Don’t call me pal. But you know what friend? I think it would be hilarious if this image started getting used ironically.
I’m not your friend buddy
I’m not your buddy, guy.
I’m not your guy, dude.
I’m not your dude, chief.
Which reddit probably won’t give any to the creator
You mean the commentor? Or thread creator? Nothing for anyone creating the content that warranted the upvote?
Think just who it’s given too not any other part. You’ve thought this out more than reddit did
Actually, they will, a part at least
Only if the person has received a total of 10 special arrows recently, or something.
Curiously enough, 99% of awards go to people ineligible for a share of the money.
Sounds like buying expensive-but-worthless loot boxes to send as gifts
And since reddit decides can change requirements at any point
I guarantee the vast majority of gold rewards will be going straight into Reddit’s pocket. The contrived requirements to get a payout are designed to keep as much of it for themselves as they can, while still saying it’s “possible” for users to get some of the money for themselves.
Ok, ntsc.
Um excuse me are you gonna pay for that?
I hope people start posting pictures like this instead of paying for them
Hold it. Hoooooold it.
I love the vibrant colours of that vomit.
I was just thinking the same thing. More than the usual amount of love went into that one, and most people probably wouldn’t even stop to notice. The subtle fade-out at the top. That is some pleasing vomit.
Look at that subtle off-green gradient. The tasteful thickness of it… Oh my god, it even has ornaments…
I had to pause for a second. Most high def emoji I’ve ever seen. Can’t believe I just typed that.
… and I am starting to see user agent and VPN blocks now just within the last few days… It’s officially over, so glad to be here. Been in the fediverse since the API shutdown. Bouncing between instances. First post on this one! Absolutely no regrets.
Yeah I read they tried to play that off as an accident. You don’t “accidentally” block VPN users. That just doesn’t accidentally happen. They’re obviously attempting to do it, just waiting to deploy it. The anonymous social network sure does seem like they want you to not be anonymous.
Is that what happened? I occasionally check reddit at work since it’s unfortunately still one of the better places for actual answers to things, and in the last few days I’ve needed to use to get around getting blocked. VPN block explains a lot.
It’s not confirmed what happened internally, but it was talked about a lot here for a while. Apparently VPN users were unable to access it and Reddit admins said that it was all accidental. It has just happened multiple times. Only for VPN users.
Huh, somehow completely blew past my radar. Thanks for the info!
Yeah happening to mullvad vpn users for sure.
But it’s not like they would think they could block vpn users and no one would notice and complain. The fact that they fixed it means the nefarious explanation doesn’t pass the sniff test.
My guess is that it’s something like that in the process of trying to stop scraping, their filter was cast too wide and it snagged more VPN users than it meant to.
I am constantly amazed that anyone is still using that corporate dumpster fire of a website
“See you next week,” one user smugly commented to me on my way out.
I haven’t been back, and I haven’t missed it.
The overwhelming smugness was the very thing that finally got me to leave lol
To be honest, they were right as often as they were wrong. Plenty of folks who proclaimed they’d never return to Reddit returned within the month. Some of the most outspoken were the quickest. I find the mods who returned particularly giggle-worthy.
Lol I left with the APIcalypse, and I was an official app user, no regrets and never looked back. Why would anyone go to that shithole when you have the fediverse?
The smaller subs (such as for specific hobbies) do not have the same momentum here on Lemmy. That’s probably why.
Oh, I saw a lot of those lmao.
Im sure Id have gotten said responses too, but ai kinda got my account suspended shortly before. The closest ive gotten on lemmy is that ive had some comments removed for valid reasons, and then their the fact that I think one of the world news mods has a grudge against me or their tools blanket remove comments.
Oh yeah I got IP banned for “abusing the report button” by reporting a literal call for violence against trans people. I had to use a VPN to browse that shitty site. In retrospect, I don’t know why I bothered.
I also got an IP ban alongside it, mind you I was proposing drowning the leaders of the UAE and Saudia Arabia. I was on NCD so I figured no one would care enough to report it, mind you my two previous strikes were from 2016, so who fucken knows what I said then.
I used to check in on againsthatesubs and report shitty content and new (usu replacement) hate subs that popped up. Admin barely cared about that shit
Yeah, I was on that sub as well, occasionally. I respect Bardfinn, the lead mod of AHS, but they used to tell me that accounts were restored on appeal if moderators retaliated by reporting users for “abusing the report button,” but my appeal was never accepted, and it was a clear instance of mod retaliation. I finally shared that experience when I was on my way out of the site for good.
God… I can barely remember the time before the top comment threads of every goddamned post were always lazy strings of circle-jerky jokes that you could predict before even clicking into the thread.
I could barely remember too, then I took an arrow to the knee!
Something something narwhal bacon
I too choose this narwhal’s dead bacon
Wow, epic! I rate this comment 5/7 with rice! You’ve won the internet for today, my friend! I’ll pet my heckin chonky pupperino in your honor! You’re breathtaking!
This is better than that time my arms were broken and my mom took care of me (don’t worry, we’re not from Alabama! LOL 😂)
New response just dropped
I understood that reference!!!
Don’t you love it when they’re not even made by humans, but it’s just bots copying the top comment from the last time it got posted
I was hoping when I came over here it would be more like the good old days of reddit. And i think it is, but barely. Plenty of the low quality shit made the jump as well.
Just look at this thread. Sort by top. The top post is circle jerking about people left reddit for here. The next top post is a vomiting emoji. A fucking emoji. I haven’t even been here that long and the comments in this thread were predictable in the same exact way.
I feel like that’s more of the state of how we communicate with eachother. Verbal communication is increasingly low effort and low quality just like any social media platforms I’ve been on. The only exception is hyper niche communities who’s main focus is on the actual INFORMATION. Ultimately, low importance/helpful post are going to have low importance/helpful responses.
ngl I haven’t been back to reddit since the exodus, but my youtube watching has gone up waaay too high.
Honestly, same. Between the algorithm throwing wild but entertaining YouTube shorts and me starting to watch longer more educational content, I find myself going on the reddit mobile site very rarely.
I’m in this exact same boat and I don’t love it. I don’t know if my ADHD is acting up or if YouTube has made my productivity take a nosedive (got fired a month ago due to it), but I can’t help myself from watching hours of YouTube a day. I feel like reddit was at least easier to disengage from in order to be productive.
I can’t even open reddit on a phone nowadays, cause my preferred sub have 18+ posts and reddit don’t let you access that if you not logged in. Also, there a notification, that I need to use shitty official mobile app. Also, there notification to login via google. Also, there a notification… Nope, I not using this shit ever again.
For the occasional time where I’m troubleshooting something and Reddit has the only solution on an “unmoderated sub” or one with 18+ posts, I just change the “www” in the URL to “old”, and get the old, non mobile friendly UI. It lets you bypass the other app popups, etc. Sometimes when you go into a post you’re back in the new UI, and might get another pop up, but backing out or changing the url to “old” usually solves it in my experience.
Firefox mobile now has a full suite of extensions, including old reddit redirect to bypass all that bs. It’s the only way I access reddit anymore for answers/the last few niche communities that haven’t been built up on lemmy yet.
I thought about doing that but then I decided that I don’t care about the opinions of people who somehow put up with all that shit
What’s your favorite sub (asking for a friend)
Lmao they removed their somewhat unique award system with charm and replaced it with colored arrows
On another topic, what kind of complete nonsense is that comment section?
It reads like if my phone’s autocomplete decided to go haywire one day and start spitting out random associated phrases: “Pablo Escobar… Colombian Drug Lord… District of Columbia…hungry hungry hippo…”
I don’t even know which is worse, that these are all bots, or there are actually multiple people who thinks posting these in public is a good idea.
Pablo Escobar lived in Columbia and owned hippos.
Just because you don’t get a joke doesn’t mean it was written by a bot, you goon.
edit - I just realized that I called esteemed character performer Margot Robbie a goon. Many apologies. I respect your dedication to the craft.
I get all the references, but making a chain of references without any jokes isn’t exactly funny.
Meta comedy is overused to the degree that it is difficult to do it well.
Not all of us are blessed with the incredible talent of the writers of the nine-time Golden Globe-nominated motion picture Barbie, two-time Critic’s Choice Movie Award-winning actor Margot Robbie.
I think it looks like AI bots talking to each other.
Doesn’t it feel weird that people feel guilty when being mean to you only because you are famous? You probably also have more anominous accounts so I wonder, how different does the internet feel as Margot Robbie and Jane Doe?
Doesn’t it feel weird that people feel guilty when being mean to you only because you are famous?
No, because there are plenty more people in life who won’t feel guilty about being mean to you at all. It’s more stressful in the days knowing a Twitter mob is ready to “slam” you for every little thing you say or do in life 24/7.
Besides, it’s not like anything I say here can be tied back to me anyways. Why do you think I refuse to get verified?
You probably also have more anominous accounts
Ugh… That Letterboxd account…
No, because there are plenty more people in life who won’t feel guilty about being mean to you at all. It’s more stressful in the days knowing a Twitter mob is ready to “slam” you for every little thing you say or do in life 24/7.
Really understandable. Haters will always be a louder minority and when you have 9 positive comments and a single negative one, the negative one will stick out.
Besides, it’s not like anything I say here can be tied back to me anyways. Why do you think I refuse to get verified?
That is probably the smart move. I have a unbsession with celebrities and such and when I hear people obsessing over every single detail of their lives, I feel sorry for the celebrities. If a single mishap gets blown up and reported of my life, I don’t think I would handle. It feels like people enjoy the story of the mental degradation of celebrity X. It is disheartening.
That Letterboxd account I wasn’t aware of this and it is one of those things where I don’t want to click the articles explaing it. I personally have ADHD and if I was watched like that 24/7, I would slip up. Furthermore, all my social media accounts use the same name so it can easily be tracked, luckily no one cares.
Any how, good luck with it all. Sorry for my short sighted thought and thanks for explaining. Remember that most people see you in a really great way. These people just aren’t the loudest.
Besides, it’s not like anything I say here can be tied back to me anyways. Why do you think I refuse to get verified?
I wouldn’t be so sure about that. On one hand, I totally don’t believe you’re the real Margot Robbie, so you do have plausable deniability, but if anyone gains access to your server either being the owner of it, hacking it, or having a warrant, it might be trivial to connect you to your account with your IP if you aren’t using a VPN or Tor. Not that you’d likely be in that situation, but it is good to be aware of.
He lived in Colombia*, which I assume is how D.C. snuck into the comments. Took me a sec to follow that jump.
Yes. The DC in Washington DC stands for District of Columbia.
I just realized that I called esteemed character performer Margot Robbie a goon. Many apologies. I respect your dedication to the craft.
You should do an AMA. How did it feel being touched by god?
Now you should do an AMA too!
alright, be cool be cool be cool, it’s just Margot Robbie.
Yeah I could totally do those one of AMA dooda thingies.
what the fuck was that abomination of a sentence? Okay okay okay, let’s just try to smooth our way out of it.
I just realized that I called esteemed character performer Margot Robbie a goon. Many apologies.
What’s wrong with her posting on Something Awful?!
Maybe they’re bots that don’t know they are bots
Audacity aside, wtf is the difference between the $1.99 and 3.99 gold???
´◔‿ゝ◔`)━☞ $2
It’s “3D”
You lose more money
deleted by creator
$2 is flat (apart from its rounded edges). $4 rises to a raised ridge in a line down the middle.
Slight definition on the $4 one
How much the “designer” moved the Inner Bevel slider to the right.
It’s what plants crave
Afaik, it’s multiples. So it goes 2 gold, 3 gold, 5 gold, etc. This means nothing to the vast majority of users, but a tiny minority may possibly get some of that money passed onto them if they fulfill Reddit’s myriad of requirements to be part of the “Contributor Program” .
Fifty bucks? Are the bits made of gold?
It’s only there to make the other ones look cheap.
It didn’t succeed.
Not for us but definitely for others. This kind of scale up pricing is all the rage because it works so well. Either some sucker buys the top thing as a flex or someone sees the $1 as a discount. Either purchase is a win. And us not buying it would be true at almost any price point so no loss of sale there.
Each of those arrows is uglier than the last
Are reddit paying contributors, moderators or people creating posts¿? If no then how are they claiming that buying a golden upvote supports contributors
About 3 months ago? They killed off the old award system. Gold, platinum, ternium , and the 100 other things you could add to posts or comments with reddit coins were Thanos snapped out of existence.
Now theres golden up votes where somehow if I spend real money and give something a golden upvote, the writer could receive real money (only for some countries). Don’t know all the details as I figured I wouldn’t be receiving any and wasn’t going to be giving any.
Reddit embracing tipping and gig culture.
Very good point!
I am not a lawyer but isn’t this something that is technically illegal? Or perhaps not, do donations need to be truthful in plain terms of how the funds are used ?
The only way I can see donating to reddit could be argued as helping/supporting contrubiters by having the platform and audience available.
do donations need to be truthful in plain terms of how the funds are used ?
I think in 2023 parlance the claim is probably plain enough to be “truthful”.
Giving gold supports the contributors you love
It’s pretty well established that receiving gold on reddit is perks like… a gold star or something, rather than actual real gold.
deleted by creator
Exposure Ü
Hopefully the fact that they felt the need to do this means they’re doing badly financially (and hopefully this doesn’t help with that)
Very MTX-heavy mobile game aesthetic.