all of those things only harm the human experience and end up making people live less!! no drug!! why do people like these things if they only harm your body… i don’t understand… gluten is bad for your heart too
Have you tried cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, gluten and sugar? They’re great. Especially when taken in excess.
only gluten and sugar… and they make me feel bad after consuming so i dont do that anymore, no!! im very sorry
edit: please. do not. ever. say that again, people die and have their lives cut off when they take those things in excess… please dont give that advice and if im honest, your comment is dangerous, you arent dangerous but your comment is. im very sorry
please stop upvoting the comment, a lot of peoples lives are being destroyed by substances and they harm the environment too and your family and loved ones too
I feel it is more dangerous to have a lack of media literacy and critical thinking skills that would make one take a sarcastic statement made in jest as a serious recommendation.
sarcasm was not clear, I bought a kilo of heroin after reading your first comment and now I don’t know what to do with it. I’m using it as a mousepad now
that is not good sarcasm because it can lead to people doing bad things to themselves im very sorry about that, you arent a bad person!! but that advice is bad
are you 12?
no im 20!!
Oh my…
You know nobody gets out alive, right?
I highly recommend a bit of substance abuse every now and then
Touch some grass dude. This is lemmy. Not a doctors office.
Oh look the immature 12 year old troll is back with more nonsense.
im 20 and not a troll
Not with the way you act.
No you’re 12.
What’s your source for gluten being bad for your heart? This Harvard study from 2017 says the opposite.
Conclusion Long term dietary intake of gluten was not associated with risk of coronary heart disease. However, the avoidance of gluten may result in reduced consumption of beneficial whole grains, which may affect cardiovascular risk. The promotion of gluten-free diets among people without celiac disease should not be encouraged.
ok thank you very much for that i will read it, the truth needs to be seen and i will come to conclusions so thank you for that!!
Gluten is not a drug and it’s not bad for you unless you’re intolerant.
Because they make me momentarily feel better while I neurotically obsess about not only my own eventual death but the fact that I will eventually watch all my family members die from old age medical issues natural causes and freak accidents.
I’m guessing you’re a devoutly religious 14 year old with a purity ring…
no!! you are a valued and happy person and you need to be happy about living life, and you have friends and good people care about you
They taste *really" good.
Especially some of those Scottish alcohols, campfire, burning rubber, band aids and salt! Yum! (Actually a big fan fan of peaty Scotch here)
Ah, liquid hot dog.
That’s kinda the point of drugs. They are bad for you but they make you feel realy good for a short time. And because humans are stupid they crave that easy happiness.
Because they are super fun. Except for gluten. Gluten is kind of boring.
Gluten is overrated… except for bagels and croissants.
Not this troll again :/
I kind of want to block them, but my morbid curiosity wants to know what dumb shit they’ll come up with tomorrow!
Most of these things are coping mechanisms, that we use to deal with living lives structured in ways that are bad for people. The 9:00 to 5:00 5-day work week is bad for you, but weed and cigarettes and caffeine and alcohol help you to keep doing it day after day. That helps the soften the physical pain, or to help you relax after a particularly bad shift, etc.
I disagree with the statement that sugar and gluten are bad for you, but at least in the US they do have excessive amounts of it into everything.
One other thing is that I think it’s bad to lump all drugs into the category of saying it’s bad for you, because every drug is different and the way they affect you varies dramatically. It’s important to evaluate drugs individually - remember that the medication that you get at the pharmacy are drugs too.Alcohol in low to moderate quantities helps people in social situations. It makes people more, how to say, myopic. A little drink and you don’t think as much about long term consequences. This makes it easier for people to talk about some things, or take risks like asking your date if they want to make out. Excessive drink will fuck you up, though, especially over a long time period.
Drugs are many and varied. I don’t really use any so I can’t speak to them, but generally they make people feel great. There’s a huge cost to pay for some of them, but people chose that for various reasons.
Alcohol in low to moderate quantities helps people in social situations. It makes people more, how to say, myopic. A little drink and you don’t think as much about long term consequences. This makes it easier for people to talk about some things, or take risks like asking your date if they want to make out. Excessive drink will fuck you up, though, especially over a long time period.
Drugs are many and varied. I don’t really use any so I can’t speak to them, but generally they make people feel great. There’s a huge cost to pay for some of them, but people chose that for various reasons.
Load of bs, cigarettes is only thing there that isn’t actually at least potentially good if consumed in moderation.
I have Celiac, so I particularly hate gluten. But I recognize that for most people, it’s innocuous - it’s just a grain protein that I and some other people have a particular problem with, for no real reason. I’d love if American society (and plenty around the world) would de-emphasize wheat and barley vs. other grains, as often wheat flour is used in dishes simply out of habit or convenience. It’s also particularly bad the way the US does the glyphosate ‘dessication’ bullshit, but that’s not about gluten itself.
Anyway, ‘why do people like drugs’ is a very different question. Your premise that people get no benefits from them is technically correct in a long-term view, I guess… but most people aren’t looking at “will I be glad I drank beer 50 years from now?”. Sometimes people manage to consider that their lives would be better without a certain substance, and can see harm in the present - other people actually don’t ever have any issues with a substance and it’s a net positive, for them.