I have an ok sleep schedule, I still wake up tired at times.
Pretty good, actually. I use a sleep timer that calculates a wake up time in 90 minute increments, which matches most people’s sleep cycles.
This ensures that I’m waking up at a time when my sleep is the lightest.
Awful. I often take 1-2 hours to manage to fall asleep and I always wake up feeling absolutely fucked, usually taking at least another hour to get out of bed.
Add it all up and I usually end up wasting ~3 hours of my life every single day on sleep. I’ve tried pretty much anything under the sun short of nuclear options like Ambien (which I’m terrified of), nothing seems to help.
Mostly ok. Go to bed at around 22 and get up at 6:30 on weekdays. Weekends I shift it an hour. No alcohol on “school nights”.
There’s some revenge bedtime procrastination going on sometimes that affects my sleep schedule so I guess I could sleep a bit more
Same problem, no matter how much I sleep, I’m always tired
Does sleep apnea or weight problems run in your family? I would wake up tired and sore every day until I got a CPAP. Now I wake up feeling so much better!
I don’t know
You might see if you can get to a sleep specialist or talk to your PCP to get tested. It was a complete game changer for me even though it took me about 6 months to get used to the machine