How did you know I was masturbating?
You totally killed the mood.
You forgot the "I need to sleep and the post nut nap is a good way to get sleep started option.
And maybe also, wierdly, the possibility “I need to get up and having a wank seems like a good way to get the systems starting up.”
Either way, they all fall in the category of, what I’ve come to call, the Keine Lust Fap, named so after the Rammstein song. You’re fapping, not because you’re horny, but because of other reasons.
How else am I supposed to sleep?
I was scratching my balls and one thing led to another…
“Beax ya mea+ ya SocI DePle+c” – A Modern Day Poet
They used to tell kids they would go blind if they do this. :)
That was so wrong on so many levels if you ask me.
Jokes aside there’s really some truth in this. I’m not sure if it’s the dopamine or that I just need to disctract my mind away from the things that makes me anxious but I sure as hell don’t do it because I’m horny. I don’t even remember what being horny feels like.
And no, I’m not one of those nofap/pornfree fanatics. For most people there probably is not an issue there. It’s only when you spend 6 hours several times a week doing something like this that you might start to consider this may not be good for you.