Is this a young person thing? Everyone in my 30+ age group does not have TikTok
As I approach 40, I’ve decided to give my ADHD a break and never use Tiktok. I’d say about 60% or so of my peers are on it. Supposedly, even though its seen as a younger person thing, the demographics of Tiktok lean heavily towards millenials.
Tiktok is the only social media I’ve seen promoted at live sport events I go to, and it’s been continuous for many years now. Celebrity endorsements and sponsored content, huge TV spots, they are pushing big marketing dollars and based on the placement, its meant for gen X if anything.
At 44, also with diagnosed ADHD, I decided to not do TikTok. Still on Lemmy tho.
Turning 40 this year and I’m on the same camp. Trying not to get sucked in
About half of my friends use TikTok but it’s not as aggressive as this pic would imply. In fact most of them are pretty good about citing a specific user to checkout when they are sharing something informative
That said my friends are all 25~35 and are generally nerdy types who self educate so ymmv
Do they watch reels? Or shorts?
I like fishin’ and Hooters is my favorite restaurant. So you betcha.
Relax, bro. We get it, you’re old. Take it easy on that hip!
My partner’s equivalent is Instagram. Effectively the same.
Nah there is a HUGE female millennial user base slice in there. It’s a little QVC and drama app all in one.
TikTok is more popular with the 25 and under, and like all things for some reason a lot of old people will use it too.
Tiktok still seems to have the best short/mid-form philosophy and history/political content - excluding the ones that moved to Instagram or something. Some of the creators on there are legit amazing, based on the videos they make.
I’m always blown away by how good their algorithm is, too. It’s way better than any other site, by like a mile. The only thing that keeps me from using it more is how long the videos I get recommended are. They’re usually too mind-blowing and I can’t just start another video right away without a minute to process it or look it up in more detail elsewhere.
That said, the things my friends send me are absolutely not. It’s insane how they never get anything remotely interesting - it’s all bottom-tier trashy stuff on their feed. You def reap what you see on there
Only 1 does in my group, the minute I saw his links included his full profile/username I noped out from even opening his links.
Its a young people thing.I’m the only one in my class who doesn’t have TikTok.(Sorry for my bad English)
whatcha gonna do now, nerd
Bu…But I am not a native english speaker
Older nurses do, I can say. It’s not just an age group thing, but also relates to personal interests. The people interested in what lemmy’s got won’t really get anything of value from tiktok.
In 20s.
Yes. That or snapchat. Snapchat is used for texting for some godforsaken reason.
People using Snapchat over texting because of the auto-deleting messages is by far the stupidest thing I’ve encountered. Snapchat stores all of it still, and it’s not encrypted in the slightest.
Yeah the auto deleting is a very misleading point that Snapchat likes to make. It feels secure and less tracked but only in feel, in actuality probably collecting all the same info as TikTok, which is a fuck ton of data and keeping it.
Is it me or is the picture rotated clockwise ever so slightly?
Straightened it 4 u babe x
Need to defeat repost protection? Horizontal flip won’t work because of pesky people not wanting to read mirrored text? Slap a lil 2.5° rotation on that baby! See also: random markup line added that looks like hair/dust.
Yeah, no, it definitely is. I’ve professionally zoomed in on my phone and then dragged the image to the screen edge. The bottom end of her user-tag is particularly obvious.
This used to be Reddit for me, now it’s Lemmy and the fediverse
I still have to go to reddit pages for a lot of random things like technical issues or niche game info because Lemmy isn’t big enough yet.
It works for news, but not much else.
Yep. Unfortunately Reddit is still unmatched in small community engagement, but that will change with time, I think.
Even larger groups here suffer from issues. With news there’s not enough people with diverse interests so a lot of decently big news stories slip through the cracks.
try reading and watching documentaries and talking to humans irl
This would be funnier if the order of the lines was reversed
Yeah, one of our students pulled the “I watched a documentary” line and it just completely threw us when she admitted that it was actually just 4 TikTok posts. I mean, it was enough superficial knowledge to fill a conversation, but we all expected a TV documentation from the olden days.
Remember kids, if you can’t cite your sources in APA format, you got it from TikTok and nobody believes you.
Unfortunately that last part isn’t true.
Also works for YouTube, or so people say.
YouTube will at least have some really long form well written content (1-4+ hour long videos). Tik tok is mostly 30 second videos, and their idea of long form is 30 minutes assuming they even go that far.
Young sexy girl = Tik Toc (with filter) Older, less sexy guys = Lemmy (without profile picture)
That is baseless and untrue!
I’ll have you know I HAVE a profile picture.
Haha. Sorry man. I think the point is my client “Voyager”. I don’t see your profile pics.
As a teen—I don’t use tik Tok, nor does anyone I know. It’s easy to believe everyone uses something, when people are saying that everyone uses something. Compare active users of tiktok in the US to the entire US population, for example. About 1/3 of the population. Sure, that’s a lot, but it’s not even a majority. The way people talk about it, you’d think it was an overwhelming majority.
TikTok has more users than Twitter, Reddit, Discord, and Twitch combined.
That’s insane actually
Lemmy will not change that!
And the user base is almost certainly more addicted to TikTok than any other social media app other than some of the extreme right wing conservatives on Elon’s Xitter.
It’s insane how many videos and ads a person will swipe through in even a short time on TikTok
deleted by creator
Learning things from news sources on [social media]: 😃
Learning things from news sources on TikTok: 😡
Edit: Point being, as long as you use critical thinking and, at least, more than one trustable source, any platform can provide information.
The problem with both is the opaque centrally controlled algorithm imo
I get some of my news from Judith Miller columns in the NYT and the Jeff Bezos owned Washington Post.
Yes, I’ll occasionally read an article from the Murdoch-owned WSJ or pull up a video from acclaimed FOX News Journalist Juan Williams.
But if I really want the most fair and accurate reporting available, I turn to the nationally syndicated Epoch Times for all my news of the day.
If I said I saw it in a documentary, it was from A&E in the 90’s or 2000’s. Like the one on Ray Krock where they quoted him as saying “If my competitors were drowning in a sea of gasoline, I would toss in a lit match.”
Ray needs to chill the McFuck out.
TIL Donald Trump watches a lot of tik tok
That wouldn’t surprise me at all given the fact that they had to tailor his security briefings with a mention of himself every 30 seconds to keep his attention. He’s exactly the TikTok demographic, and “loves” Kim, and was certainly more than friendly with Xi.
I also wouldn’t be surprised if Xi Jinpooh himself was the one that told Trump about TikTok. Especially since it was released in September of 2016.
TikTok = ?
Pornhub = ?
I’ve noticed people I know actively avoid talking about their tiktok media around me 😅 they go for “I saw somewhere” 😂
fuck tiktok, amiright?
Also Yahoo News. What a fucking shithole
“Your mom” = TikTok
(She’s an avid TikTok Live Steamer)