With McConnell’s endorsement of Trump, it gives the green light to other remaining skeptical Republicans — and the deep-pocketed donors who fuel campaigns — to fall in line despite any reservations they may have about a return to the Trump era.
After the Jan. 6 attack of the Capitol, McConnell issued a grave rebuke of Trump’s behavior, blaming the defeated president for spreading “wild” claims of a stolen election.
While McConnell refused to convict Trump in the Senate trial on House impeachment charges of inciting the insurrection at the Capitol, which could have left him ineligible to serve again as president, he warned that Trump was not immune from civil or criminal prosecution once he left the White House.
While McConnell refused to convict Trump in the Senate trial on House impeachment charges of inciting the insurrection at the Capitol, which could have left him (Trump) ineligible to serve again as president …
So McConnell could have stopped this whole shit show a while back, but didn’t because why???
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I don’t believe McConnell is or has ever been a Russian asset. He’s evil all on his own and doesn’t need further incentive.
Didn’t some Russian Corp invest in a huge steel or metals facility in KY?
In Louisiana we call that lagniappe. Mitch gonna fuck about no matter what. Who pays him off is tertiary to him staying in power and getting paid.
A Russian asset is someone who’s beholden to the Kremlin. Mitch is only beholden to his own self-interests.
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That’s just people coming up with fun nicknames. Deep down, he’s always been the same guy…Evil Turtle.
Russian bribes.
Disagree. If you go by what his actions are and whether or not they serve the agenda of Putin, you eventually come to realize there’s virtually none that specifically go against him.
He waves the flag, and sings the standard russia Bad songs when he has to.
Moscow Mitch will always be known for choosing trump over informing the country of russia’s obvious and detailed interference in the 2016 election. On that alone, George Washington would have shot him.
Yep. I think his goals align with Russias’ sometimes. That’s it.
It’s not corruption if you take money for something you would have done anyway. But it’s a nice bonus.
He’s not just a Russian asset, the Chinese also have enormous amounts of leverage over him through his wife and late sister-in-law.
Moscow mitch, putins bitch
Tbh I think he was scared of the mob turning against him.
I think he was scared of the mob turning against him.
This is the correct answer. Republicans are scared shitless of their deranged constituents and get daily reminders that include death threats if they don’t tow the line.
Thanks for using “tow” correctly here.
PSA: “tow” like you’re a truck towing something.
Edit: well TIL
My prior belief was that “toeing the line” meant you are figuratively tiptoeing past a boundary line, testing permissible actions. Downvote me through the floor, guys, I earned it.
PSA: it’s actually supposed to be “toe the line”, aka stand with your toes on the line like a good drone. Earlier versions of the phrase included “toe the mark” or “toe the scratch”. They are adhering to the party line, not pulling it along behind them.
Yeah, you got that completely backwards. There are a lot of different takes on the origin, but they generally all involve people on one side of something putting their toe right up to a line, so toeing the party line means to line up with the rest of the party.
Does Lemmy have its own r/confidentlyincorrect equivalent yet?
Like so many idiomatic expressions, “toe the line” has nautical origins. It meant to put your toes on a plank or line drawn on the deck, usually for disciplinary purposes. In other words, “toe the line” means to show willing conformity with the requirements of an authority.
Also, there are many lines on a boat, but only a few ropes, and the tow rope is one of them. No well-drilled sailor would ever call a tow rope a “tow line”, unless he wanted to meet the captain’s daughter!
He who rides the tiger can never dismount.
Mitch is really skilled at riding the tiger, and that was the moment where it almost threw him off and he knew it.
Mitch McConnell has a long history of changing his opinions to suit whatever he thinks will get him more votes. He won his first election in 1977 against a Democrat incumbent by making promises to abortion rights groups and labor unions that he would support them. Then he turned around and voted against their interests when he decided he could drum up more support from the conservative voters in his district. Why do you think he has always been in favor of allowing the wealthy to donate as much as they want to campaigns? Because then he wouldn’t need to bother making promises to lots of people to raise money. He could just go to a few people and he’d be set. No need to bother with actually representing the voters.
Remembering that one time McConnell filibustered himself because he knew he wouldn’t be able to pull off a power play against Obama.
Not just filibustered himself… he later blamed Obama for not saying more loudly why it was a dumb idea.
Mitch McConnell has a long history of changing his opinions to suit whatever he thinks will get him more votes.
AKA: the worst kind of populist.
Also the most common kind of populist.
He’d rather wriggle a bit further up Trump’s ass. I mean, he had a brush with conscience a while back, but it’s warm and cozy up there and consequences are scary.
TIL that along with being the world’s most dastardly turtle, Moscow Mitch is an anal worm
Specifically, he is the Donald’s anal worm, feeding on half digested Big Mac’s and hemorrhoids🍔🩸🪱
(oh, and lies)
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Did you forget about the SCOTUS bullshit?
The R is for regressive. It does too fit there.
Without Trump they have absolutely no chances electorally. Republicans used to be the party of fiscal responsibility and they allowed themselves to get taken over by a hostile foreign power through the magic of debt and leverage. Hard core Trump supporters intend for the whole country to get taken down with them.
Where we go one, we go all
Tax cuts for the rich and corporations, that’s why.
As a European, I hope my American friends will do their u
ptmost best to ensure Diaper Don does not get elected for the sake of democracy and humanity. We are at the brink of a timeline that resembles a lot like the 1930s, and wish we are not going to relive those times again.It doesn’t matter if he gets elected or not. Enough people support the kind of fascistic nationalism that he represents that we will have to deal with it eventually. History says that voting will not be sufficient. We should all prepare ourselves for that.
It should also be noted that this is not limited to America. Fascism is gaining ground all over the world, especially in the West. I believe that’s largely due to traditional politicians being unwilling or unable to address the concerns of their voters but ultimately the cause is largely irrelevant. We are all going to have to remember the lessons of history in one way or another.
This so much. Neoliberalism has made a husk out of our societies and lots of folks are getting left in the dust. I shudder to think of the challenges young folks will face in lifting themselves up and out of their birthtraps
Oh yes, not saying this is an American problem. We have in Europe (including my own country) far right winged idiots being elected (largely thanks to disinformation but also due to bad policy and decision making as you very well stated). But we cannot deny that whoever becomes a president in the US, has also substantial influence on what is going on in the world. Fuck facsism.
Utmost* my brother
I am shocked, SHOCKED, that Mitch McConnell turned out to be morally bankrupt.
Well, not that shocked.
Shell shocked, perhaps?
During the transition, AOC got a lot of right-wing attention for saying all the supportive Trump tweets and comments should be backed up so these asshats couldn’t pretend they never supported the man. She was quickly proved right as a lot of them started distancing from Trump, and now we see the additional reversal as they try to weasel their way back into his camp.
AOC got a lot of right-wing attention for saying all the supportive Trump tweets and comments should be backed up so these asshats couldn’t pretend they never supported the man
The problem with AOC’s strategy is that it only works when Trump is more unpopular than her team’s candidate.
But also, yes. Chuds will come up with literally any excuse to wild out on AOC.
She was quickly proved right as a lot of them started distancing from Trump, and now we see the additional reversal as they try to weasel their way back into his camp.
There’s a certain depth to the right-wing media rabbit hole, such that you simply won’t hear any kind of dissent or opposition. You’re not allowed in the Members Only Club if we catch you talking shit about the Club Boss.
So yeah, she can have a stack of receipts a mile high. But nobody’s going to be reading them on OAN or Rumble or during the The Dan Bongino Show.
The United States Republican Party is always there to remind me that at least 1/3 of humans are still no better than scared, shit flinging apes. Maybe this is our species’s next genetic bottleneck.
When twice impeached guy gets your party’s nomination, you should not be in any kind of political power. GOP has endorsed the fact that the “law and order” means nothing at all.
Law and Order to these fascists is more police to abuse minorities. They don’t think the state will ever turn on them and get real pissed when it is applied to them.
It’s so fucked up, the tv show Law & Order did a spinoff in Canada.
Obviously those impeachments were just political theatre! (/s)
Moscow Mitch.
Its funny, because he’s been a vocal advocate of Ukraine military aid spending, too.
Dude just wants to see a good game between two enthusiastic participants, it seems.
Moscow’s Bitch
He hates this name. I try to use it when I refer to him. Any vote for Trump is a vote for a stronger Russia and a weaker US, as I’m sure most of you know.
Fucking turtle tucking into his shell, thanks for wrecking our democracy asshole, hope your death is slow, painful, and ironic.
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Narrator: McConnell thought he was endorsing a “Turnip”, which reminded him of himself.
Grass is green, sky is blue, water is wet, McConnell is a traitor
Well, he wants to be on the winning team. Party above country. Victory or death.
he wants to be on the winning team.
Even though he’s retiring from the team.
He could burn those bridges without harming his (now ended) political career and denounce Trump, but he chooses not to be the better person.
I thought he was stepping down as leader, not retiring. Those are pretty fundamentally different things.
Good point. I was getting too hopeful there for a second.
Because “uNiTy”.
Moscow Mitch.
Putin’s… confused expression
Gosh, I forgot the rhyme. Forgive me, good people.
There was once a man from Nantucket
who’s traitorous leaders said “fuck it”
They failed in their coup
said Putin “boo hoo,
please do better or I’ll release the tapes”
Pretty sure it’s something like that.
What a good little lap dog he is. Doing exactly what he’s told to do.
I hope he dies very very soon, I will celebrate hard when he does
wishing all Americans their own Thatcher Death Party
Only time in my life I’ve seen complete strangers form a conga line in the street
Senile old man endorses senile old man.
McConnell knows exactly what he’s doing: defending the robbing of the tax coffers by the obscenely rich.