Using my husband and me for an example, when one of us is going to the grocery store, the other person often adds something like “Love!” and “More love!” to the grocery shopping list.

What’s a silly thing you and your partner do?

  • We laugh about the faces our cat makes when we scratch under her chin, so sometimes I’ll scratch under my husband’s chin and he’ll make the same exaggerated face she does, or vice versa.

  • ℕ𝕖𝕞𝕠
    351 year ago

    “love you” became “wuvs” became, via autocorrect, “wolves”, became the wolf emoji

    1 year ago

    I wait in line with the regular customers and then at the end of my transaction I use the worst possible pickup lines imaginable, and it always lands a perfect ten.

    You look like you come from excellent chewing stock my dear.

    Oh? How do you know? A man like you probably works with cattle with those big guns.

    How do you like to mooove on over to my place after work?

    Oh gosh! Tucks chin. I-I don’t know…

  • Truffle
    251 year ago

    This thread is so wholesome ❤️ It made me smille to know how many people are loved and cherished by a significant other.

    241 year ago

    We talk about getting things for the cats that they wouldn’t actually like, as if they would love them. Or we talk about bringing the cats along on trips they would hate, saying they’d like it.

    • TheHarpyEagle
      71 year ago

      I swear a solid 60% of what we talk about is our dog. The same jokes every single day but they’re still somehow funny.

      41 year ago

      We live pretty close to a giant body of water, and I always have a fake story about how the cats love to go over on a leash (they are indoor cats and one of them is on a spectrum)

  • If we’re in the middle of sexy time and he asks me to pause for a moment because he’s worried he’s gonna finish too soon, I ask him ridiculous questions about Lord of the Rings.

    “Why didn’t they just fly to Mordor on the eagles?”

    “Legolas is neither a Lego nor a lass. Discuss.”

    Works every time.

    201 year ago

    I think other people who are more touchy would not appreciate ours but when one of us goes away and we are greeting each other, instead of hugging or kissing like normal humans we thumbs up.

    My partner’s a little awkward and neither of us like public displays of affection, so he just thumbsed up me once when I was going in for a hug and I still think it’s the funniest thing.

      71 year ago

      I’m very ‘touchy’ as you would say but I still love this one 🤩. I would miss the kiss/hug eventually, but I think it would get a laugh out of me 9/10 times if we just thumbsed up, hahaha

    181 year ago

    When we were dating, my wife and I would poke our fingers in each other’s mouths when the other person started yawning. It was funny, but we got tired of it really fast and made a pact not to do it anymore.

    We’ve been together for 8 years and we still nervously side-eye each other when we yawn. If we’re feeling mischievous, we will flinch towards the one yawning to scare them.

    171 year ago

    Instead of “love you” she says “bluv blu” so we now use two rhyming words. “Glove zoo” “dove stew”

    Sometimes sent as emojis to confuse the other person

  • TheHarpyEagle
    171 year ago

    We’ll play random little “games” while trying to get to sleep, usually without actually saying anything. Thumb wars, call-and-response tapping, spelling things out by touch, and most often, doing that stupid circle game thing while the other one is trying to hold hands.

    I’ll also sometimes hold my phone up to my dog’s ear and he’ll say “Moshi moshi, Puppy desu!” Very stupid but it cracks me up every time.

    1 year ago

    We make grossly exaggerated corny sex jokes when we’re horny and want to get down to it.

    • wife is preparing hard boil eggs

    • Well… talking about hard balls…

    And then one thing leads to the other 👍

    • Aviandelight
      111 year ago

      This reminds me of a running gag my husband and I have. One night while I was at work he called me to ask where I put the colander because he wanted to make macaroni. It must have been a weird sounding one-sided conversation to my coworkers because when I got off the phone one of them asked me if “where’s the colander” was out code word for “let’s have sex tonight.” I told my husband the story later and needless to say it became our code word for sexy times.

      11 year ago

      I name my kisses something stupid.

      Like when we’re skating (we’re both bad at it) I call it a danger kiss. Or when we’re eating hotdogs and one of us is still chewing I’ll call it ‘hot dog kiss’. Their kid hated when we kissed until I started doing this and now she thinks it’s adorable. Which is great because I’m trying to show her what a happy, healthy, and loving relationship should look like since she hasn’t had good examples in the past. Plus my partner thinks it’s adorable too and giggles when I do it.

      We also intentionally mispronounce words. Hot dog is ‘hot dong’. Hamburger and ‘hahmberder’. Shit like that.