Mine just accused me of being gay via hearty use of homophobic slurs, because only women and gays cry, and i wasnt no woman.
That’s lame. Real men aren’t afraid to cry, whether straight or otherwise.
That hurt to read, I’m so sorry
Everyone said I was disadvantaged by having a single parent, but I didn’t have to live through any of that shit except for 1 year my mother married (and then left the guy because he was an ass)
One good parents better than 30 shitty ones, mate, and sounds lik you had a good one.
Ehhhhhhhh… I wouldn’t go that far. I had a not-terrible one, who only showed bad sides when I was in my 20s. lol
Yeah I had a similar situation. My dad was a toxic person who thought it was wrong when I cried (which I did a lot; I was a very emotional kiddo) and my mom did everything she could to protect me from that. They eventually separated the year I went into high school, and guess which one I still talk to now in my adult life.
Maybe it’s because i hang around the queer parts of the Internet so much but this story just feels incomplete to me without an “I showed him, I’m a woman now” at the end :)
Haha ok this meme was good.
I’m one of the parents. Sorry for my generation. :)
We know it’s not all of you. Your generation also fought for civil rights, explored space, invented jogging I think.
We have shitheels in our generation too. And I fear they’ll become more and more prominent as we get older. I hope we’re able to dampen their greed and intolerance.
I’m pretty sure boomers didn’t invent running.
Minor correction, boomers weren’t the ones fighting for civil rights. Boomers would have been in kindergarten during the civil rights movement.
It’s not them. It’s the super rich 0.1% who have screwed this generation.
They didn’t , same class did it same class is doing it. Fuck this stupid fake generation shit
And that’s why you always leave a note!
Oh my god, that guy’s arm just came off!
Well they weren’t lying
Too real for me irl
It can be four things.
deleted by creator
That’s a plot twist
I’ll start crying about reposts if this goes on
I’m chronically online and just saw this, so it’s not worth complaining about yet.
As psychologists always say do not blame you parents, they just did what they could
You clearly have no idea about psychology
What’s the point of blaming anybody? Does it helps you to feel better?
The point of blaming anybody isn’t really about “blaming” them but understanding the cause of your personal trauma and how you reacted to it. You shouldn’t hold on to your trauma by only blaming someone and stopping your personal growth there. You should work to heal it and better yourself. It is hard to start healing if you don’t know the cause. You have to start somewhere.
A small example from me is I wouldn’t buy tissue to blow my nose because “I don’t need it. I can use some hard ass brown paper towels and hurt my nose and irritate my skin.” I don’t mind buying the soft lotion plus tissue for my family and loved ones, but not myself. Why? I couldn’t understand why I felt this way. I just kind of always felt that way. That I’m not good enough and didn’t want to bother with nicer things for myself because “I’ll make do.” Is this from upbringing? Parents? Siblings? Friends? Self imposed rules because I interpreted other people’s actions and thought I wasn’t good enough. Finding the cause does help people feel better because they can have a better understanding of what to focus on.
So yes it does help me feel better. I now have a thing of tissues at work I use when my nose gets runny instead of making do with rough as paper towels. 😁
That is what I think about. I don’t mean they did the best they could. I’m saying that due to their mentality and personal psychology there were no way for them to act another way. If we turn back time they’d do the same thing as it is what they saw from their personal background. I don’t mean we should understand them and forgive, I just think that we could take the responsibility for our life and get over that trauma and frustration to live further without the feeling that our happiness depends on what our parents did to us in the past. You can have another opinion that’s okay, I just express mine.
I think we both are saying to same thing in different ways. I was just saying blaming someone or finding the source helps to start the healing. It is 100% up to the individual to take responsibility on how they treat people. My older brother has “daddy” issues and tends to blame not getting enough approval for being a mess up. I still blame my brother for not bettering himself since then. He’s in his 40s.
Every generation has trauma they pass down in some way, both known and unknown ways. Most parents do their best and we are all human. We’re bound to make mistakes. It is up to the individual to learn from them though.
Without blame, you never get accountability. We know what that world looks like.
You need a source for your weird comment, otherwise you don’t sound that smart, Debbie.
Blaming parents for not doing a global eco-communism
Thats fair, a dictatorship of the proletariat ( a democracy where only workers and peasants(including unemployed and disabled folks who arent the bourgeoisie) have political representation) would be needed to address climate change
Dictatorship of the proletariat you described is just one version of socialism. Not the definition of latter.
Yes, and it is the one that has historically worked.
Instead of groiping about problems all the time, we should also be thankful for all the great things they invented, like microchips and food abundance.
Are those things supposed to make up for the mass extinction event they caused?
I think their accomplishments weigh favorably in the balance
I don’t think anything can possibly balance the massive, irreparable destruction that’s been done to this planet, but I guess that’s just me.
These stupid boomers still think they’re going to Mars…
I think deep down they know they’re gonna die. They don’t care about the future either way.
You should get out more. Most of the world is beautiful. Look for the good and you will find it!
Not sure why you’re assuming the people smart enough to create these major inventions aren’t also smart enough to understand their generation as a whole helped barrel us towards a climate disaster
The weather is beautiful where I live. There’s plenty of room if you don’t mind having cows as neighbors.
Are you a troll or do you actually think your tiny little bubble is indicative of what the entire planet is going through?
I don’t know. I’m just grateful for my wonderful life! What are you thankful for?
Alright well whichever you are, your deflection and arguments are lackluster. I’m gonna stop responding.
Food abundance came as a result of the industrial revolution, which started waaay before our parents were born.
Supermarkets haven’t been around that long. The wide variety we satisfy our picky apppetites with is miraculous!
You think supermarkets were invented by boomers?
You admit, then, that food prices are made up to gouge us and have nothing to do with actual scarcity?
All product pricing is a complicated result of the economy. Thankfully scarcity is not a significant factor.
If scarcity is not the only factor, the prices are made up and we are being stolen from.
Prior to 1960 the concept was uncommon.
Food abundance? Have you seen food prices lately?
Have you gone hungry lately, or are you struggling to shed a few kilos like most of us?
Borlaug, Kilby and Noyce were all greatest generation. I don’t think they were parenting lemmy users.
True but employee #849004 at Intel keeps their system producing for us.
Holy shit, the audacity…
I don’t disagree but I’m going to let these people yell at you because they scare me. I can’t take anymore downvotes.
I cry every time…