Trying to go through his whole catalog. Just curious what is your favorite?
They’re all pretty good but Dr Strangelove is hands down my favorite!
A Clockwork Orange.
I find the rape scene in it to be too much. I understand that there is a social message trying to be conveyed but I get physically ill watching that movie.
Tough to choose just one, but as a die hard sci-fi nerd, gun to my head, I’m going with 2001.
I watched it last year and I can understand how groundbreaking it probably was at the time, but just didn’t hit the right notes for me.
It could be one of those things too where I’ve seen so many tropes and parodies of it over the decades, that it maybe took away from the impact for me.
It’s a giant snooze fest, no matter how the cult followers love it.
This 100%. It is a good movie but the lack of dialogue for the first half hour with the classical music playing puts me to sleep every time. In fact I often put it on when I want to go to sleep.
Ha, I put on the “National Park” special by Barak Obama… It’s great. But, lulls me to zzzzzzzzzz.
Aw man, but it’s so beautiful to look at
Strangelove kills it
Barry Lyndon, The Shining, 2001. In that order.
Barry Lyndon holds up beautifully
Yes, I think if it were released now I’d still be impressed.
This is such a hard one, because he has so many S tier movies. In the end I would pick the Shining.
Kubrick Tier List
S - 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Shining
A - Dr Strangelove, Clockwork Orange
B - Full Metal Jacket, Eyes Wide Shut
C - Spartacus
Not seen - Barry Lyndon, Lolita, The Killing
It’s a tie between Dr Strangelove and 2001.
Me liking 2001. Who saw that one coming? /s
Paths of Glory
I love horror, so the Shining is still my favorite. But he has SOOOOO many good ones its hard to pick a #2. Id say probably FMJ or Clockwork
Yeah FMJ is my fav for real and a cemented classic IMO.
C.O. really is an interesting collection of characters and situations. I think they’re different than some reactions that come from characters in other circumstances, eg: isolation in the Shining, bullying in FMJ.
Barry Lindon
Eyes Wide Shut
Either The Shining or The Killing
if you go by rotten tomatoes score, oddly enough his best is ‘The Killing’ (1956) at 98%, tied with Dr. Strangelove. I had his DVD box set and it wasn’t included.
Nobody going to say Lolita?