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It does unironically ship with a rootkit as well. Not joking.
IIRC it is still limited to user level perms on Linux
If a game needs you to enter sudo to run then thats a problem… or a desktop theme
Isnt that why you can’t play on Linux anymore? Not granting root?
…no, the issue with typical anticheats like EAC is that some studios simply want to avoid also patching for Linux, and the file system/utilities of wine can trip cheat detection
Oh, got it.
Iirc no, it’s because of vanguard which is a rootkit
I mostly coming off of EAC which can be configured to run within user perms, but damn vanguard just reads like spyware
Yeah there are a few specific flags that Vanguard looks for when it runs, you can easily bypass it by adding some flags to a virtual machine.
Okay I’d say pm me but I like the scraps of mental health I have so maybe don’t.
Nah I’ve given you enough, just search up a video guide on YT.
Thank you for not. My therapist would thank you too, if I had one.
Just like Apex Legends, Fortnite, and RuneScape, among many, many others.
Anything using Easy Anti Cheat (EAC) or Battleye is also using a kernel level anti-cheat.
Incorrect, League of Legends and Valorant both use Riot’s proprietary Vanguard Anticheat. The reason it has to run on startup and won’t work if started afterwards is because it’s a kernel level program.
EAC does also have kernel level capabilities, and in fact conflicts when run at the same time as Vanguard, but your list is incorrect.
Runescape (both RS3 and OSRS) do not use EAC and cannot tell what programs you have open.
While too many games use Kernel Level anticheats, it isn’t normal or industry standard by any stretch of the imagination and it also doesn’t actually work very well compared to other methods so not only does it not protect you but it makes you more vulnerable.
Every piece of unvetted code (like games) you run makes you vulnerable. This isn’t any different.
It depends what the code has access to is the point.
If you play any of the games on this list that use Easy Anti Cheat the code has all the same access.
The difference is that Riot’s thing starts on boot instead of when the game starts. I don’t think anyone’s rebooting for security reasons after playing Fall Guys or Fortnite.
The complaints are somewhat legitimate, but the fact that they’re focused on Riot and not the dozens of games that do basically the same thing is… off. What Riot is doing isn’t much different than the stuff that’s already happening that nobody cares about (even if maybe they should).
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Jagex is listed here: https://www.easy.ac/en-us/partners/
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Not everywhere atm
They are testing it in lower pop regions
Just use linux to be safe.
The virus may have infected my mind as well, cause I honestly been enjoying the game.
Certainly sounds like it. If you experience any intrusive acronyms like adc, cs, ks, ffs, or smh, it’s advised that you quarantine outside the home and take minimum of two “touch grass” per day until symptoms improve.
Water those?
The grass should be watered already, but depending on the severity and length of your condition you may need to apply supplemental dihydrogen monoxide.
No, that stuff is a killer!
You probably guessed I meant the acronyms… These look right:
“- adc: This stands for “attack damage carry”. It refers to a role in a MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) game like League of Legends or Dota, where the player is responsible for dealing the most auto-attack damage to opponents.
cs: This stands for “creep score” or “minion kills”. It refers to the number of non-player enemy units (called creeps or minions) that a player has killed in a MOBA game. Having a high cs is important for building up gold and items.
ks: This stands for “kill steal”. It refers to when one player gets the final hit on an enemy champion that another player was trying to kill, thereby getting the kill credit.
ffs: This stands for “forfeit/give up/surrender”. It’s a common abbreviation used in multiplayer games when a team wants to concede defeat and end the match early.
smh: This stands for “shaking my head”. It’s an expression used to convey disappointment, disapproval, or exasperation about something.”
Ah a new player. I remember those days, too
I’ve been playing on and off since 2013 lol
I’ve been playing since S2 and I still enjoy the game ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
I only play ARAM now though.
So have I recently but Wild Rift instead of actual League. I played League a lot when I was younger - too much, really - and stopped playing altogether in 2016. Started Wild Rift on a whim last year and got my SO into, and we’ve been having a lot of fun actually. She’d never played League before but always wanted to, so now she gets to have these experiences with the game I had so long ago.
The game’s still frustrating as hell sometimes and the company is utter trash, but at least I have something to play with my SO again which we’ve been searching for for a long time
Wtf is wild rift? A classic mode or a more relaxed format?
The mobile version of the game with limited champions and touch friendly controls.
I still enjoy the game all the time. I don’t take it too seriously though, which helps a lot.
Shout out to !leagueoflegends@lemmy.world
What I really don’t respect about the design of League Of Legends is it is one of those types of games that really puts teammates at odds with each other and it creates a lot of toxic conflict because of it. It is just bad design, people joke about the toxicity of games like LOL but it isn’t a joke.
Blame whoever modded that warcraft 3 map for creating the genre.
Blame whoever modded that starcraft map
MOBAs are such good games, just played two amazing interesting and fun games of DoTA!
This is the guy who tries to sell you meth even though everyone else was talking about the drug of gentlemen, PCP.
Can you expand? Having played it a bit I can confirm the toxicity, but curious to hear how the game design inherently promotes it anymore than other team vs team games.
Sure, team vs team games create the immediate game design consequence that if your teammates are terrible they can ruin your experience even if you are playing extremely well.
As a result good game design should limit the capacity of a single player to ruin the rest of their team’s experience. Obviously, this is a balance to find, limit this too much and the player no longer feels like they can impact the game for better or for worse. It goes beyond a balance though into the basic incentives and framing of the gameplay.
Take for example match length time, one of the ways a game can handle a player getting dealt a shitty hand with teammates is to have the match length be short enough that a player can just shrug their shoulders and discard the next 10 minutes or so from their competitive goals and just play the match out until it ends and they get matched with better teammates. Rocket League is a perfect example of this. Imagine if Rocket League had League Of Legends length matches. Imagine how much more toxic rocket league players would be to each other if getting matched with a shitty teammate meant having to play 40 minutes of frustrating, unfun gameplay with no coordination between teammates.
Another way team based competitive games can mitigate teammates being frustrating and not coordinating is by building the gameplay around it being easy and natural to coordinate with teammates. Take for example Apex Legends with it’s brilliant pinging system along with automated call outs, it makes coordination natural for players who might otherwise just fuck off and not coordinate (not that this doesn’t still happen). The equivalent system in a LOL type game would a simple way to non-verbally telegraph the rhythm of your next attacks to your teammates so that they could easily chain their moves with yours. Make it so the game is always displaying to your teammates what you are planning to do next so that it is maximally easy for your teammates to coordinate even if they don’t give a shit.
I have other examples but I think RTS games also struggle often with these things, in team games that go on for 20+ mins the losing team almost always starts to get angry and frustrated at each other even though… losing is literally 50% of the experience in playing a competitive RTS. That is bad game design in my opinion, losing isn’t going to be as fun as winning but there are ways to make players less likely to get genuinely upset with each other when they are losing. Take for example Titanfall 2’s end of the match blitz where the losing team has to try to get to escape drop ships, it gives individual players on the losing team something to fixate on pro-actively doing that can benefit them meaningfully instead of just letting the losing team check out from the gameplay and start blaming each other.
Really interesting answer thank you for that. The rocket league example really spoke to me, because I played that a lot and while there’s definitely a lot of toxicity too it’s, as you said, much lower stake, just some nasty emote spamming for 5min then you move on.
From my experience, for example one friend I played with would have a type of attack they’d want to do but a teammate would knock the enemy away at the wrong time so the attack misses. The combat ilicites stronger emotions than any other game I’ve played with these friends just in general. I haven’t played many others that one teammate can easily fuck up a battle for a team, which can cause a steamroll where a full 40 minute match can become impossible to win.
Ah yeah I see what you mean, that’s very true.
It hides information and dissuades communication
Two people can see drastically different things at the same time with no way to communicate it
You can type but low TTK and general lack of macro mean you are more apt to lose the game from doing so than win
Someone can be 0-5 in a different lane and you have no idea why, all you know is they have 5 deaths
I’ve been playing since season 1 💪
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Keep this shit off Lemmy.
it’s a joke buddy boy
The horror!