Home Team Away Team Time Broadcast Venue Notes
Arlington Renegades D.C. Defenders Sat 4/13, 1:00 PM ET ESPN Choctaw Stadium
  • @ToasterOverlordOPM
    15 months ago

    Man, I did not think the FG would go through. Not from 54 yards with wind, especially with the bad snap. Dang

  • @ToasterOverlordOPM
    15 months ago

    Not to be a negative nancy, but this 1st Q is off to a poor start (not just for my Renegades). Looks like there’s almost no one there (admittedly, who’s going to see a winless team), the commentary is terrible, and the camerawork is very amateur (like, come on, track the ball on the 4th down play…)

    Here’s hoping things turn around soon in this one, but in general the ABC/ESPN coverage is just not nearly as good as the FOX coverage.

  • @ToasterOverlordOPM
    15 months ago

    Well at halftime, at least it’s picked up for the Renegades. Still feel like we can bottle it in the 2nd half. But that lateral on 3rd and 14 was cool. More of that stuff, please

  • @ToasterOverlordOPM
    15 months ago

    Holy cow, did not realize Fred Kaiss had all those serious health conditions. Real impressed he’s able to come back to work. Hope he’s all good

  • @ToasterOverlordOPM
    15 months ago

    “Are you shittin’ me” LOL @ Bob Stoops on the hot mic

  • @ToasterOverlordOPM
    15 months ago

    Lol, both coach’s super challenges were unsuccessful. At least they both used them strategically

  • @ToasterOverlordOPM
    15 months ago

    UGGGGGHHH I hate this 4th and 12 comeback rule. Wasn’t it harder in previous iterations of the league? I liked what it was before. 4th and 15 would be perfect, and I would probably even go closer to 4th and 20. But they’ve made it too easy now, as evidenced by last week and today

  • @ToasterOverlordOPM
    15 months ago

    Man, snapping the ball for the FG with 12 seconds on the play clock when you’re trying to run out the clock is a rookie mistake. Do we not have a dedicated LS or something?