I never did get any of the DLC when I played it on the PS3. Finally I will get to experience the horse armor.
Honestly, if they make the original unavailable comercially, acquiring it through non official channels becomes morally acceptable.
It was always morally acceptable
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I wouldn’t mind a remake, provided they did it correctly.
See, earlier games talked about
Tamriel (edit; Cyrodiil), it was described as being a dense, bamboo filled jungle, The empire was described as being sort of like Rome, but with an ancient Chinese bent.In other words, nothing like the generic European fantasy land that we actually got.
Imagine a claustrophobic jungle where adventure is just on the other side of the tree line. You could stumble on to hidden temples and cozy villages.
Sadly, that would require more than one type of tree texture. Otherwise, it would be a wall of blandness for the entire game, and if you’re doing a wall of blandness, you might as well open things up so that the player can see the horizon.
This is why Morrowind sucked me in back in the day. Huge-ass mushrooms everywhere. Weird floating jellyfish and all manner of bizarre creatures from top to bottom. It was so foreign and different, it was amazing.
I played TES Online briefly and the uniqueness of Morrowind was incredibly stark. Every other zone is just standard European fantasy. And that’s fine, but what originally pulled me into the series was the strangeness of Morrowind. It was truly unique.
It’s a bit sad to me that they brought the series way back into the standard fantasy fare.
Yeah, that’s probably why I bounced off of Skyrim. I skipped Oblivion, so I came in expecting an interesting environment and it was just standard European fantasy for the most part.
Where did you get the idea they might do a remake? They haven’t remade any TES games so far.
Just a rumour that was going around, I don’t think it’s too likely.
You sure the rumors you heard weren’t about Skyblivion?
No, but they have remastered the most recent one twice. :(
It was remastered once. They ported it to anything that could run it.
There was Skyrim Special Edition and Skyrim Anniversary Edition.
Anniversary wasn’t a remaster, it just bundled the creation club stuff.
I haven’t played it, but they said it includes “next gen improvements” which I can only assume means improved visuals. I’m not sure what else that could be.
The improved textures at least were taken from a mod.
That was the Witcher 3 upgrade. Skyrim didn’t change textures.
Anniversary edition on PC was basically a $20 dlc to get all of the creation club stuff. Maybe they reworked some stuff for the current gen consoles, but I still wouldn’t consider that a remaster.
Like I said, I didn’t play it. I’m just going off the description in some random article I found online. Whatever you want to call it, it’s yet another “edition”. They have far too many “editions” while the other games in the franchise have been ignored. That was my only point.
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I was going to say that I don’t think it’ll ever become “unavailable”.
You don’t really want a remake of oblivion. This game is good because the actually old print mechanics. If you do a remake then you make something different, like was Skyrim. I don’t think anyway audience want a game like Oblivion, there is the need for more and much intuitive.
Hate to break it to you, but I’m pretty sure the horse armor hasn’t been available for a long time.
I prefer piracy
How do you figure?
They took Dark Souls off the market when its remaster came along. Microsoft is not above doing the same. If nothing else, you’ll need a copy of the original Oblivion in order to play Skyblivion when it comes out. Of course I’m sure you’ll be able to get it somewhere. Really I just wanted to play it again with the Shivering Isles expansion.
True. I just don’t foresee an Oblivion remake this soon, especially with Starfield, ES6, and probably Skyrim again coming up.
You can’t buy Skyrim anymore on Steam, only Special Edition. This is important for mods.
I still have my install DVDs of the Deluxe edition from launch, including the bonus feature DVD with the making-of documentary.
I’d be more likely to buy it in the hopes they do something like Skyrim Anniversary edition and give owners the game free/discounted.
Admittedly because it’s older that’s less likely (especially free), but they could do it to keep good faith so those people evangelize the game on other platforms and to new audiences. I was surprised they did it for Skyrim, which was also pretty old.
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I just checked. I have it on both Steam and GOG. But I’ve actually never played it.
A remake of oblivion, hm? I’d take it, if only to see the modding community for that game revived.