mRNA vaccines. You can literally code a vaccine now. That’s just mind blowing to me.
Especially impressive when you consider the etymology of the word “vaccine” and realize that a century ago vaccines were created by incubating them in a cow
I’m holding a small device in my hand that gives me access to all of humanity’s knowledge.
Granted, I’m using it to dick around on Lemmy, but…
To be fair there’s plenty of knowledge on Lemmy as of today… And porn, lots of porn.
I have yet to encounter any porn on lemmy.
Do you have the NSFW filter off within your Lemmy or app’s settings?
On behalf of Gnorv, yes. I have made sure multiple times that my NSFW filter is off. I have only seen an occasional NSFW - like One per month, and it’s never porn - even when I browse by New.
Please Help.
If you go to the instances page of your lemmy instance (eg you can scroll down to the “Blocked Instances” section and you’ll probably find the bigger nsfw instances are blocked.
You’re not trying hard enough 🤪
The Internet is for porn!
Every time I think about doing something illegal or hear about people from only a few generations ago doing something fun but slightly illegal.
Then I think. There is no way you could do that now the police would use all the surveillance that is everywhere and if I got caught their wouldn’t be a slap on the wrist and grow up. But it would be a serious issue for my future jobs and going to other countries.
Makes me think I’m in a futuristic movie. Just not one of the happy ending ones.
The technology behind it isn’t new, but The Thought Emporium is a Youtuber who:
1: DIY-d a genetically modified virus to cure his own lactose intolerance (successfully)
2: Is currently working on a biological computer that runs on animal neurons.
3: Has livestreams where the viewers submit ideas (like making tomatoes spicy) and he designs DNA to accomplish it.
Also he helped shut down a scam health product that contained radioactive material which isn’t particularly futuristic (actually it reminds me of the “radiation is good for you” craze in the early 20th century) but I wanted to mention it anyways.
I listened to Mr. Krabs sing Billie Jean.
Meme technology is about to get SciFi.
Being trans always was such a cyberpunk concept to me. When I was a kid was like “people can change their gender? Cool”
We can say that… it was a sign lol.
Every time I hear about World Coin scanning people’s retina’s for $50, driver monitoring tech inside new cars, or Amazon asking people to pay for things with palm prints I feel a bit like I’m living in the Minority Report. Does that count?
cyberpunk without any cool aesthetics.
What, you don’t appreciate the beauty of an anti-homeless bench? /s
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Funny story, I live in a place where people turn up their noses at the slightly smaller crossovers for identity reasons, and there’s a noticeable trend towards driving scooters with an aftermarket envelope because “normal cars” are just too big.
The future isn’t necessarily positive I guess
Turns out we can express most of proteins, some of the time, and then isolate them. This includes enzymes, when isolated these can do things like they naturally do but now in flask, but also they do things that aren’t remotely natural but are useful for us. These things are pretty fragile usually so then some of these can be modified so that they are resistant to higher temperatures, detergents etc. This is not only the nerdy shit like advanced chemical synthesis - lots of dishwasher tablets and and washing powders contain enzymes that cut proteins into pieces (like subtilisin), so in some cosmic sense dishwasher digests your leftover food off plates
Enzymes are still proteins, and have all problems of proteins. Turns out, you can just take the most important part out of enzyme, make it, or something functionally similar out of completely synthetic parts, and it still works. Sure, it’s not as active or selective, most of the time, but it’s resistant to things that would absolutely shred proteins. This is called organocatalysis and it was subject of 2021 Nobel Prize
Sometimes you want to take an enzyme and make it not work. We also have a tool for that: first you have to get structure of that enzyme, or some receptor protein, and by looking how a small set of random molecules lodges in it you can make a very selective, very potent ligand, sculpting it atom by atom with no knowledge other than protein structure. If you have time and resources, this can be made to work for almost any protein (that can be crystallised)
Everything going on in biology, but the existence of of Nana and Lulu especially. The first genetically altered humans are starting school pretty soon.
Say what now?
Data compression. Something about “making less data out of … The same data” is really mind blowing, & the math is sick
It is not that complicated, to make a simple example with strings: AAAABBBABABAB takes up 13 spaces, but write (compress) it like 4A3B3AB take up 6 spaces compressing it more than 50%.
Now double it like AAAABBBABABABAAAABBBABABAB with 26 spaces and write it as 2(4A3B3AB) with 9 spaces it takes only 30% of the space.
Compression algorithms just look for those repetitive spaces.
Takes those letters and imagine them being colored pixels of a picture to compress a picture
Once you get into audio, images and video it revolves a lot around converting temporal and/or positional data into the frequency domain rather than simple token replacement.
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Don’t overthink my example, it was just a representation
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Smartphones. The sheer fact that we’re able to fit these cameras, computer chips, and everything else into these thin glass slabs is still mind-blowing to me.
Even just the screen is absurd.
Driverless cars, VR and the recent NASA experiment where four people started living in a simulated Mars environment for an year, even conducting VR space walks - all of this makes me feel we’re living in the movie Total Recall.
Usually total recall reminds people of something else
Get your ass to Mars!
and the recent NASA experiment where four people started living in a simulated Mars environment for an year, even conducting VR space walks - all of this makes me feel we’re living in the movie Total Recall.
Wow, I hadn’t heard about that. I’ve wondered for a while if astronauts could use VR to “escape” a cramped spacecraft.
Decoding animal communication and interspecies communicstion with AI.
(Which way should I be sharing community links on here?)
Should really be using the “! link”, not URLs. While both work on mobile apps, on the web version the URL redirects to the community’s instance.
Alright, thank you. Good to know!
Both work with “Sync for Lemmy”. Don’t know about other apps/sites.
Thankyou! I can also confirm that both work for me in voyager as well.
3D printing.
I’ve had a 3d printer for years and I still can’t really get over how nuts it is. Like it feels like one of those things you’d read about in science magazines as this amazing super scientific thing the scientists out in MIT have in their labs like a supercomputer or some expensive toy people who build stuff on YouTube have in their garage next to the lathe and big fancy CNC table, but no, it’s just, here. On my desk. Being used to casually print stuff that I’ve designed myself on the computer like it’s nothing.
My great grandad was a carpenter and I wish I could’ve shown him it. I wonder what he’d think, seeing something that was once only in the realm of handcrafted diagrammes and days of building now a few hours of modelling and printing away.
AI generated images/voices and deepfakes. I really am worried about it becoming difficult to figure out what is real on the internet in the next 10 years.
fair, but photoshop has existed for a while now. this just makes it slightly easier.