“I hope the future will be like Star Trek, but I’m afraid it’s going to be like Babylon 5.”

  • So… On a slight tangent… If you enjoyed Babylon 5, but have never seen Blake’s 7, then you’ve got some essential viewing ahead of you. Shonky sets, dubious costumes, some terrible fight choreography, and some of the best plotting and dialogue going (all credit to Terry Nation). British SciFi at it’s best. And the spiritual precursor of all ‘plucky group of outlaws on a stolen ship’ series (such as Farscape and Lexx).

  • Uriel238 [all pronouns]
    -12 years ago

    Right now it looks like we’ll have a couple of decades of Road Warrior (any of the Mad Max series) for a couple of decades, with declining care use and rising cannibalism. And then its up to the roaches, rats and coyotes.

    We’re going to have to learn some serious Star Trek stuff if we’re going to survive the climate crisis and plastic crisis.