ACAB all the time every time.
One of those big fucking trucks with poor visibility. Driven with over confidence.
Yeah and it seems obvious that they shouldn’t be driving vehicles where people are laying. This is the third person I’ve heard of being run over by police on a beach this summer.
At most, something like a golf cart or ATV. Not a full size pickup with the windows up and AC blasting, both of which disconnect you from the environment.
Nah, take the doors off. In this environment, you need to be acutely aware of your surroundings.
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I guarantee you every single person on that beach had a computer on them without this sort of protection. What equipment do police really need while driving around on a beach? A laptop at most?
You don’t need a computer in the vehicle. Equipment can be locked to the vehicle or carried on their person. On a beach, if you need to arrest someone, you can walk them in handcuffs the couple dozen feet back to the road.
Another article said it was actually the (marginally) smaller Ford ranger.
New Ford Ranger is about the same size as 1990s F-150s.
“hit” probably really means…“the lady was talking the sun comfortably on a beach towel when suddenly a big ass truck drove her over, squirting her insides out” but sure, hit sounds accurate. Hit sounds like she was totally visible and happened to reverse bump against the truck. A total accident. Running her over sounds more accurate if that is really what actually happened.
Yeah, my job sometimes requires me to drive round areas where people may be sunbathing. What I do is drive in first gear even if it is frustrating and be observant because I don’t want to hit anyone. Seems like this ought to be common sense when you’re driving and humans may be lying on the ground.
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In before he gets put on paid medical leave for PTSD.
Always paid.
So the driver is going to be charged with manslaughter, right? Right? 😧
A similar thing happened here in Seattle. A police officer, who had been fired from another department for reckless driving, decided it would be a good idea to go over 70 mph downtown without his siren on to get to a scene (an OD). Kevin Dave hit a 26 year old woman crossing the street and killed her. The police oversight board recommended he be fired. SPD and the union disagreed and gave him no punishment. Hell, they even joked about it. The city attorney fined him $5000 which he is delinquent on.
Seattle officer recorded joking about woman’s death, saying ‘she had limited value’
That happened a few hours south in Oregon too. A DEA agent allegedly working with a team doing surveillance fell behind the group so he decided to speed and run stop signs through a residential area in an undercover vehicle. He ran over a woman riding her bike and killed her.
The local police department bent over backwards to stall and cover everything up until word got out. The DEA agent was given qualified immunity by the courts and cannot be held responsible for the crime.
Always be suspicious of dudes with two first names
Nah, it was self-defense, she was coming right for him, and then he heard an acorn.
SCHP said the truck was coming off the Nash Street beach access onto the beach when the truck hit the woman.
When the truck hit her or when the cop driving it hit her? I hate this bullshit language is always used to protect the police in articles like this.
“just am unfortunate accident.” How do you not see people on the beach?
It sounds like she was laying down and the truck parked on her. Really makes you wonder why a truck is allowed on a beach.
Understood from reading, but he should have seen something from a distance. Did he forget? Not care? Was looking at something else? Hard agree with no trucks on the beach. An ATV or some sort is sufficient.
On those beaches, the drivable beach access spots have cones and signs telling people to stay out. It’s an emergency vehicle access area for the police, fire, EMS, and life guards. I have no idea if she was in that area or not, but I have seen people laying in those areas.
Acab and their small dick trucks
And ride, ride how we ride…
I still haven’t figured out why they didn’t get the cop that drove over her, to drive off of her. Why were people trying to lift the truck?